



  1. バックトラック。これは非常に単純です-再帰と、答えが見つかるまでの再帰です。ただし、各車はいくつかの異なる方法で移動でき、各ゲーム状態ではいくつかの車を移動できます。その結果、ゲームツリーは巨大になります。
  2. 移動する必要があるものを考慮に入れ、何らかの方法で再帰的に動作する、ある種の制約アルゴリズム。これは非常に大まかなアイデアですが、アイデアです。
  3. グラフ?ゲームの状態をグラフとしてモデル化し、依存関係を解決するために、カラーアルゴリズムに何らかのバリエーションを適用しますか?繰り返しますが、これは非常に大雑把な考えです。
  4. 友人が遺伝的アルゴリズムを提案しました。これは可能ですが、簡単ではありません。評価関数を作成する良い方法は考えられず、それなしでは何も得られません。



  1. some解を見つけます。
  2. 最適な解を見つける(移動の最小数)
  3. 現状の評価


(ソース: scienceblogs.com






_import Java.util.*;

public class RushHour {
    // classic Rush Hour parameters
    static final int N = 6;
    static final int M = 6;
    static final int GOAL_R = 2;
    static final int GOAL_C = 5;

    // the transcription of the 93 moves, total 24132 configurations problem
    // from http://cs.ulb.ac.be/~fservais/rushhour/index.php?window_size=20&offset=0
    static final String INITIAL =   "333BCC" +
                                    "B22BCC" +
                                    "B.XXCC" +
                                    "22B..." +
                                    ".BB.22" +

    static final String HORZS = "23X";  // horizontal-sliding cars
    static final String VERTS = "BC";   // vertical-sliding cars
    static final String LONGS = "3C";   // length 3 cars
    static final String SHORTS = "2BX"; // length 2 cars
    static final char GOAL_CAR = 'X';
    static final char EMPTY = '.';      // empty space, movable into
    static final char VOID = '@';       // represents everything out of bound

    // breaks a string into lines of length N using regex
    static String prettify(String state) {
        String EVERY_NTH = "(?<=\\G.{N})".replace("N", String.valueOf(N));
        return state.replaceAll(EVERY_NTH, "\n");

    // conventional row major 2D-1D index transformation
    static int rc2i(int r, int c) {
        return r * N + c;

    // checks if an entity is of a given type
    static boolean isType(char entity, String type) {
        return type.indexOf(entity) != -1;

    // finds the length of a car
    static int length(char car) {
            isType(car, LONGS) ? 3 :
            isType(car, SHORTS) ? 2 :
            0/0; // a nasty shortcut for throwing IllegalArgumentException

    // in given state, returns the entity at a given coordinate, possibly out of bound
    static char at(String state, int r, int c) {
        return (inBound(r, M) && inBound(c, N)) ? state.charAt(rc2i(r, c)) : VOID;
    static boolean inBound(int v, int max) {
        return (v >= 0) && (v < max);

    // checks if a given state is a goal state
    static boolean isGoal(String state) {
        return at(state, GOAL_R, GOAL_C) == GOAL_CAR;

    // in a given state, starting from given coordinate, toward the given direction,
    // counts how many empty spaces there are (Origin inclusive)
    static int countSpaces(String state, int r, int c, int dr, int dc) {
        int k = 0;
        while (at(state, r + k * dr, c + k * dc) == EMPTY) {
        return k;

    // the predecessor map, maps currentState => previousState
    static Map<String,String> pred = new HashMap<String,String>();
    // the breadth first search queue
    static Queue<String> queue = new LinkedList<String>();
    // the breadth first search proposal method: if we haven't reached it yet,
    // (i.e. it has no predecessor), we map the given state and add to queue
    static void propose(String next, String prev) {
        if (!pred.containsKey(next)) {
            pred.put(next, prev);

    // the predecessor tracing method, implemented using recursion for brevity;
    // guaranteed no infinite recursion, but may throw StackOverflowError on
    // really long shortest-path trace (which is infeasible in standard Rush Hour)
    static int trace(String current) {
        String prev = pred.get(current);
        int step = (prev == null) ? 0 : trace(prev) + 1;
        return step;

    // in a given state, from a given Origin coordinate, attempts to find a car of a given type
    // at a given distance in a given direction; if found, slide it in the opposite direction
    // one spot at a time, exactly n times, proposing those states to the breadth first search
    // e.g.
    //    direction = -->
    //    __n__
    //   /     \
    //   ..o....c
    //      \___/
    //      distance
    static void slide(String current, int r, int c, String type, int distance, int dr, int dc, int n) {
        r += distance * dr;
        c += distance * dc;
        char car = at(current, r, c);
        if (!isType(car, type)) return;
        final int L = length(car);
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(current);
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            r -= dr;
            c -= dc;
            sb.setCharAt(rc2i(r, c), car);
            sb.setCharAt(rc2i(r + L * dr, c + L * dc), EMPTY);
            propose(sb.toString(), current);
            current = sb.toString(); // comment to combo as one step

    // explores a given state; searches for next level states in the breadth first search
    // Let (r,c) be the intersection point of this cross:
    //     @       nU = 3     '@' is not a car, 'B' and 'X' are of the wrong type;
    //     .       nD = 1     only '2' can slide to the right up to 5 spaces
    //   2.....B   nL = 2
    //     X       nR = 4
    // The n? counts how many spaces are there in a given direction, Origin inclusive.
    // Cars matching the type will then slide on these "alleys".
    static void explore(String current) {
        for (int r = 0; r < M; r++) {
            for (int c = 0; c < N; c++) {
                if (at(current, r, c) != EMPTY) continue;
                int nU = countSpaces(current, r, c, -1, 0);
                int nD = countSpaces(current, r, c, +1, 0);
                int nL = countSpaces(current, r, c, 0, -1);
                int nR = countSpaces(current, r, c, 0, +1);
                slide(current, r, c, VERTS, nU, -1, 0, nU + nD - 1);
                slide(current, r, c, VERTS, nD, +1, 0, nU + nD - 1);
                slide(current, r, c, HORZS, nL, 0, -1, nL + nR - 1);
                slide(current, r, c, HORZS, nR, 0, +1, nL + nR - 1);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // typical queue-based breadth first search implementation
        propose(INITIAL, null);
        boolean solved = false;
        while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
            String current = queue.remove();
            if (isGoal(current) && !solved) {
                solved = true;
                //break; // comment to continue exploring entire space
        System.out.println(pred.size() + " explored");


  • ソリューションが見つかったときの_break;_
    • これは現在コメントされているので、幅優先検索は全体検索スペースを探索し、上記のリンクされたWebサイトで指定された番号を確認します
  • slidecurrent = sb.toString();
    • 基本的に、これは車の各動きを1つの動きとして数えます。車を左に3スペース移動すると、3移動します。これを1つの移動として組み合わせるには(同じ車が同じ方向に移動するため)、この行にコメントを付けます。リンクされたWebサイトはコンボを認識しないため、この行は、指定された最小移動数に一致するようにコメント解除されています。コンボカウントを使用すると、93ムーブの問題は49のコンボムーブのみを必要とします。つまり、駐車場の係員がこれらの車を移動する区画にいる場合、車に出入りする必要があるのは49回だけです。



状態はNxM- length Stringとして表されます。各charはボード上のエンティティを表し、行優先順で格納されます。


ここには多くの冗長な作業があります(たとえば、長い「路地」が複数回スキャンされます)。ただし、前述のように、一般化バージョンはPSPACE完全ですが、古典的なRush Hourバリアントはブルートフォースによって非常に扱いやすくなっています。




幅優先検索(BFS)を使用します。トリックは、以前の検索で以前に見たボードレイアウトを探し、そのシーケンスを中止することです。 BFSのために、すでに短いレイアウトの方法が見つかる前にそのレイアウトを見たことがあれば、この長いレイアウトではなく、解決策を試してください。


# Program by Rodos rodos at haywood dot org

use Storable qw(dclone);
use Data::Dumper;

print "Lets play Rush Hour! \n";

# Lets define our current game state as a grid where each car is a different letter.
# Our special car is a marked with the specific letter T
# The boarder is a * and the gloal point on the Edge is an @.
# The grid must be the same witdh and height 
# You can use a . to mark an empty space

# Grand Master
@startingGrid = (

# Now lets print out our grid board so we can see what it looks like.
# We will go through each row and then each column.
# As we do this we will record the list of cars (letters) we see into a hash

print "Here is your board.\n";


# Lets find the cars on the board and the direction they are sitting

for $row (0 .. $#startingGrid) {
    for $col (0 .. $#{$startingGrid[$row]} ) {

        # Make spot the value of the bit on the grid we are looking at
        $spot = $startingGrid[$row][$col];

        # Lets record any cars we see into a "hash" of valid cars.
        # If the splot is a non-character we will ignore it cars are only characters
        unless ($spot =~ /\W/) {

            # We will record the direction of the car as the value of the hash key.
            # If the location above or below our spot is the same then the car must be vertical.
            # If its not vertical we mark as it as horizonal as it can't be anything else!

            if ($startingGrid[$row-1][$col] eq $spot || $startingGrid[$row+1] eq $spot) {
                $cars{$spot} = '|';
            } else {
                $cars{$spot} = '-';

# Okay we should have printed our grid and worked out the unique cars
# Lets print out our list of cars in order

print "\nI have determined that you have used the following cars on your grid board.\n";
foreach $car (sort keys %cars) {
    print " $car$cars{$car}";
print "\n\n";




# Here are our subroutines for things that we want to do over and over again or things we might do once but for 
# clatiry we want to keep the main line of logic clear

sub tryMoves {

    # Okay, this is the hard work. Take the grid we have been given. For each car see what moves are possible
    # and try each in turn on a new grid. We will do a shallow breadth first search (BFS) rather than depth first. 
    # The BFS is achieved by throwing new sequences onto the end of a stack. You then keep pulling sequnces
    # from the front of the stack. Each time you get a new item of the stack you have to rebuild the grid to what
    # it looks like at that point based on the previous moves, this takes more CPU but does not consume as much
    # memory as saving all of the grid representations.

    my (@moveQueue);
    my (@thisMove);
    Push @moveQueue, \@thisMove;

    # Whlst there are moves on the queue process them                
    while ($sequence = shift @moveQueue) { 

        # We have to make a current view of the grid based on the moves that got us here

        $currentGrid = dclone(\@startingGrid);
        foreach $step (@{ $sequence }) {
            $step =~ /(\w)-(\w)(\d)/;
            $car = $1; $dir = $2; $repeat = $3;

            foreach (1 .. $repeat) {
                &moveCarRight($car, $currentGrid) if $dir eq 'R';
                &moveCarLeft($car,  $currentGrid) if $dir eq 'L';
                &moveCarUp($car,    $currentGrid) if $dir eq 'U';
                &moveCarDown($car,  $currentGrid) if $dir eq 'D';

        # Lets see what are the moves that we can do from here.

        my (@moves);

        foreach $car (sort keys %cars) {
            if ($cars{$car} eq "-") {
                $l = &canGoLeft($car,$currentGrid);
                Push @moves, "$car-L$l" if ($l);
                $l = &canGoRight($car,$currentGrid);
                Push @moves, "$car-R$l" if ($l);
            } else {
                $l = &canGoUp($car,$currentGrid);
                Push @moves, "$car-U$l" if ($l);
                $l = &canGoDown($car,$currentGrid);
                Push @moves, "$car-D$l" if ($l);

        # Try each of the moves, if it solves the puzzle we are done. Otherwise take the new 
        # list of moves and throw it on the stack

        foreach $step (@moves) {

            $step =~ /(\w)-(\w)(\d)/;
            $car = $1; $dir = $2; $repeat = $3;

            my $newGrid = dclone($currentGrid);

            foreach (1 .. $repeat) {
                &moveCarRight($car, $newGrid) if $dir eq 'R';
                &moveCarLeft($car, $newGrid) if $dir eq 'L';
                &moveCarUp($car, $newGrid) if $dir eq 'U';
                &moveCarDown($car, $newGrid) if $dir eq 'D';

            if (&isItSolved($newGrid)) {
                print sprintf("Solution in %d moves :\n", (scalar @{ $sequence }) + 1);
                print join ",", @{ $sequence };
                print ",$car-$dir$repeat\n";
            } else {

                # That did not create a solution, before we Push this for further sequencing we want to see if this
                # pattern has been encountered before. If it has there is no point trying more variations as we already
                # have a sequence that gets here and it might have been shorter, thanks to our BFS

                if (!&seen($newGrid)) {
                    # Um, looks like it was not solved, lets throw this grid on the queue for another attempt
                    my (@thisSteps) = @{ $sequence };
                    Push @thisSteps, "$car-$dir$repeat";
                    Push @moveQueue, \@thisSteps;

sub isItSolved {

    my ($grid) = shift;

    my ($row, $col);
    my $stringVersion;

    foreach $row (@$grid) {
        $stringVersion .= join "",@$row;

    # We know we have solve the grid lock when the T is next to the @, because that means the taxi is at the door
    if ($stringVersion =~ /\T\@/) {
        return 1;
    return 0;

sub seen {

    my ($grid) = shift;

    my ($row, $col);
    my $stringVersion;

    foreach $row (@$grid) {
        $stringVersion .= join "",@$row;

    # Have we seen this before?
    if ($seen{$stringVersion}) {
        return 1;
    $seen{$stringVersion} = 1;
    return 0;

sub canGoDown {

    my ($car) = shift;

    return 0 if $cars{$car} eq "-";

    my ($grid) = shift;

    my ($row, $col);

    for ($row = $#{$grid}; $row >= 0; --$row) {
        for $col (0 .. $#{$grid->[$row]} ) {
            if ($grid->[$row][$col] eq $car) {
                # See how many we can move
                $l = 0;
                while ($grid->[++$row][$col] eq ".") {
                return $l;
    return 0;

sub canGoUp {

    my ($car) = shift;

    return 0 if $cars{$car} eq "-";

    my ($grid) = shift;

    my ($row, $col);

    for $row (0 .. $#{$grid}) {
        for $col (0 .. $#{$grid->[$row]} ) {
            if ($grid->[$row][$col] eq $car) {
                # See how many we can move
                $l = 0;
                while ($grid->[--$row][$col] eq ".") {
                return $l;
    return 0;

sub canGoRight {

    my ($car) = shift;

    return 0 if $cars{$car} eq "|";

    my ($grid) = shift;

    my ($row, $col);

    for $row (0 .. $#{$grid}) {
        for ($col = $#{$grid->[$row]}; $col >= 0; --$col ) {
            if ($grid->[$row][$col] eq $car) {
                # See how many we can move
                $l = 0;
                while ($grid->[$row][++$col] eq ".") {
                return $l;
    return 0;

sub canGoLeft {

    my ($car) = shift;

    return 0 if $cars{$car} eq "|";

    my ($grid) = shift;

    my ($row, $col);

    for $row (0 .. $#{$grid}) {
        for $col (0 .. $#{$grid->[$row]} ) {
            if ($grid->[$row][$col] eq $car) {
                # See how many we can move
                $l = 0;
                while ($grid->[$row][--$col] eq ".") {
                return $l;
    return 0;

sub moveCarLeft {

    # Move the named car to the left of the passed grid. Care must be taken with the algoritm
    # to not move part of the car and then come across it again on the same pass and move it again 
    # so moving left requires sweeping left to right.

    # We need to know which car you want to move and the reference to the grid you want to move it on
    my ($car) = shift;
    my ($grid) = shift;

    # Only horizontal cards can move left
    die "Opps, tried to move a vertical car $car left" if $cars{$car} eq "|";

    my ($row, $col);

    for $row (0 .. $#{$grid}) {
        for $col (0 .. $#{$grid->[$row]} ) {
            if ($grid->[$row][$col] eq $car) {
                die "Tried to move car $car left into an occupied spot\n" if $grid->[$row][$col-1] ne ".";
                $grid->[$row][$col-1] = $car;
                $grid->[$row][$col] = ".";

sub moveCarRight {

    # Move the named car to the right of the passed grid. Care must be taken with the algoritm
    # to not move part of the car and then come across it again on the same pass and move it again 
    # so moving right requires sweeping right to left (backwards).

    # We need to know which car you want to move and the reference to the grid you want to move it on
    my ($car) = shift;
    my ($grid) = shift;

    # Only horizontal cards can move right
    die "Opps, tried to move a vertical car $car right" if $cars{$car} eq "|";

    my ($row, $col);

    for $row (0 .. $#{$grid}) {
        for ($col = $#{$grid->[$row]}; $col >= 0; --$col ) {
            if ($grid->[$row][$col] eq $car) {
                die "Tried to move car $car right into an occupied spot\n" if $grid->[$row][$col+1] ne ".";
                $grid->[$row][$col+1] = $car;
                $grid->[$row][$col] = ".";

sub moveCarUp {

    # Move the named car up in the passed grid. Care must be taken with the algoritm
    # to not move part of the car and then come across it again on the same pass and move it again 
    # so moving right requires sweeping top down.

    # We need to know which car you want to move and the reference to the grid you want to move it on
    my ($car) = shift;
    my ($grid) = shift;

    # Only vertical cards can move up
    die "Opps, tried to move a horizontal car $car up" if $cars{$car} eq "-";

    my ($row, $col);

    for $row (0 .. $#{$grid}) {
        for $col (0 .. $#{$grid->[$row]} ) {
            if ($grid->[$row][$col] eq $car) {
                die "Tried to move car $car up into an occupied spot\n" if $grid->[$row-1][$col] ne ".";
                $grid->[$row-1][$col] = $car;
                $grid->[$row][$col] = ".";

sub moveCarDown {

    # Move the named car down in the passed grid. Care must be taken with the algoritm
    # to not move part of the car and then come across it again on the same pass and move it again 
    # so moving right requires sweeping upwards from the bottom.

    # We need to know which car you want to move and the reference to the grid you want to move it on
    my ($car) = shift;
    my ($grid) = shift;

    # Only vertical cards can move up
    die "Opps, tried to move a horizontal car $car down" if $cars{$car} eq "-";

    my ($row, $col);    

    for ($row = $#{$grid}; $row >=0; --$row) {
        for $col (0 .. $#{$grid->[$row]} ) {
            if ($grid->[$row][$col] eq $car) {
                die "Tried to move car $car down into an occupied spot\n" if $grid->[$row+1][$col] ne ".";
                $grid->[$row+1][$col] = $car;
                $grid->[$row][$col] = ".";

sub printGrid {

    # Print out a representation of a grid

    my ($grid) = shift; # This is a reference to an array of arrays whch is passed as the argument

    my ($row, $col);

    for $row (0 .. $#{$grid}) {
        for $col (0 .. $#{$grid->[$row]} ) {
                print $grid->[$row][$col], " ";
        print "\n";

実際には、MIT特にラッシュアワーを参照する)の論文があります (検索用語「スライドブロックパズル」を使用しました)

Daniel DiPaolo

実装の記述と実験を終えたところです。古典的なゲーム(6x6ボード)の場合、状態空間は本当に小さいと私はpolygenelubricantsに同意します。しかし、私は賢い検索の実装( A * search )を試しました。単純なBFSと比較して、探索された状態空間の削減について興味を持っていました。

A *アルゴリズムは、BFS検索の一般化と見なすことができます。次に探索するパスの決定は、パスの長さ(つまり、移動数)と残りの移動数の下限の両方を組み合わせたスコアによって決定されます。後者を計算するために選択した方法は、出口から赤い車の距離を取得し、道をクリアするために少なくとも1回移動する必要があるため、道のすべての車に1を加えることです。下限の計算を定数0に置き換えると、通常のBFS動作が得られます。

このリスト から4つのパズルを検査した後、A *検索は通常のBFSよりも平均で16%少ない状態を探索することがわかりました。

Eyal Schneider


お気づきのように、妥当なサイズのボードを使用している場合、検索スペースは大きくなりますが、大きすぎません。たとえば、12台の車が配置された6x6グリッドを描画したとします。それぞれがサイズ2の自動車であるとすると、1台あたり5つのスペースが与えられるため、最大で5 ^ 12 = 244,140,​​625の潜在的な位置になります。これは32ビット整数にも適合します。したがって、1つの可能性は、潜在的な位置ごとに1つのスロットである巨大な配列を割り当て、メモ化を使用して、位置を繰り返さないようにすることです。


MITの論文 @ Daniel's answer にあるように、問題はPSPACE完全であり、NP問題はおそらく使用できません。


Jesse Beder





数独ソルバーを書いた。詳細はまったく異なりますが、全体的な問題は似ていると思います。 1つには、数独ソルバーでスマートヒューリスティックを実行しようとすると、ブルートフォースソリューションよりもはるかに遅くなります。いくつかの単純なヒューリスティックを使用してすべての移動を試行し、重複はありません。ラッシュアワーに重複するボードの状態をチェックするのは少し難しいですが、それほど多くはありません。




