
Unity3D UI、アイテムをドラッグする位置の計算?

最近では、UnityでUI要素をドラッグするのは非常に簡単です。いくつかのUIアイテムを作成します。コンポーネント->イベント-> イベントトリガーを追加します。以下のスクリプトにドロップしてください。クリックして、4つの明白なトリガーを追加します。完了です。




大きなパネルが1つあり、そのパネルに10個のUIButtonがあり、ボタンにDragsterが付いているとします。 RectTransformの座標とマウスポインターの関係は何ですか?.


/* modern Unity drag of UI element */
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
public class Dragster:MonoBehaviour
    public int index; // number each of your UI items
    static bool beingDragged = false;
    static int dragFrom;
    public void DragStart()
        beingDragged = true; dragFrom = index;
    public void DragIt()
        ? ? W T F ? ?
    public void DragEnd()
        beingDragged = false;
    public void DroppedBra()
        Debig.Log("Drag: from/to " +dragFrom +" --> " +index);


using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;

public class Draggable : MonoBehaviour, IBeginDragHandler, IDragHandler, IEndDragHandler {

    public void OnBeginDrag(PointerEventData eventData) {


    public void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData) {
        //Debug.Log ("OnDrag");

        this.transform.position = eventData.position;


    public void OnEndDrag(PointerEventData eventData) {
        Debug.Log ("OnEndDrag");

Uri Popov


_public class Dragster:MonoBehaviour,IBeginDragHandler, IEndDragHandler, IDragHandler_


_public void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
    transform.position += (Vector3)eventData.delta;


それでもEventTriggerコンポーネントを使用する場合(あまりお勧めしない方法)、DragIt関数をDragIt(PointerEventData eventData)に変更し、トリガーのドロップダウンで[Dynamic EvenData]オプションを使用するだけです。デルタ情報にアクセスするためのPointerEventDataを受け取ります


Unity UI、wtt Colton&Uriのための驚異的なコピーと貼り付けの完璧なドラッグアンドドロップ:

_using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;

public class UNCDraggable:MonoBehaviour,
IBeginDragHandler, IDragHandler, IEndDragHandler, IDropHandler
    public Image ghost;
    // note DON'T try to drag the actual item: it's not worth the hassle.
    // a problem arises where you can't have it on top (as you would want
    // visually), and still easily get the drops. always use a ghost.
    // even if you want the "original invisible" while dragging,
    // simply hide it and use a ghost. everything is tremendously
    // easier if you do not move the originals.

    void Awake()
        ghost.raycastTarget = false;
        // (just in case you forgot to do that in the Editor)
        ghost.enabled = false;

    public void OnBeginDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
        ghost.transform.position = transform.position;
        ghost.enabled = true;

    public void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
        ghost.transform.position += (Vector3)eventData.delta;

    public void OnEndDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
        ghost.enabled = false;

    public void OnDrop(PointerEventData data)
        GameObject fromItem = data.pointerDrag;
        if (data.pointerDrag == null) return; // (will never happen)

        UNCDraggable d = fromItem.GetComponent<UNCDraggable>();
        if (d == null)
          // means something unrelated to our system was dragged from.
          // for example, just an unrelated scrolling area, etc.
          // simply completely ignore these.
          // note, if very unusually you have more than one "system"
          // of UNCDraggable items on the same screen, be careful to
          // distinguish them! Example solution, check parents are same.

        Debug.Log ("dropped  " + fromItem.name +" onto " +gameObject.name);

        // your code would look probably like this:
        YourThings fromThing = fromItem.GetComponent<YourButtons>().info;
        YourThings untoThing = gameObject.GetComponent<YourButtons>().info;

        yourBossyObject.dragHappenedFromTo(fromThing, untoThing);
Colton White


私の公式の目標は、bool beingDragged = false;を使用せずにこれを行う方法を提供することでした。このようにすると、ドラッグされているButtonまたはImageがわかりません。



public Canvas parentCanvasOfImageToMove;
Vector2 pos;
RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(parentCanvasOfImageToMove.transform as RectTransform, eventData.position, parentCanvasOfImageToMove.worldCamera, out pos);
UIToMove.transform.position = parentCanvasOfImageToMove.transform.TransformPoint(pos);



これを行う最も簡単な方法は、ユーザーがOnBeginDrag関数にドラッグしたいオブジェクトを保存するために使用できるグローバル変数を作成し、そのオブジェクトをOnDragにドラッグすることです。 OnEndDragが呼び出されたときに、そのオブジェクトをnullに設定します。

objectToBeDragged = eventData.pointerCurrentRaycast.gameObject;



if (eventData.pointerCurrentRaycast.gameObject == someOtherUI)

動作することを想定していますが、動作しない場合もあります。 OnDragの実行中にnullが返されることもあります。これがOnBeginDrag関数で行わなければならない理由です。



objectToBeDragged  = eventData.pointerCurrentRaycast.gameObject;
Button tempButton = objectToBeDragged.GetComponent<Button>();
Image tempImage = objectToBeDragged.GetComponent<Image>();


UIがButtonであるかどうかの検出とButtonのドラッグは[〜#〜] not [〜#〜]簡単です。ボタンがside/Edgeでクリックされると、Buttonの名前が返されますが、これは問題ありません。しかし、ほとんどの場合、ButtonのクリックはButtonの-​​middleで発生しますnotはインスタンスまたは名前を返しますButtonの代わりにText(Child Object)を返します。あなたは[〜#〜]できません[〜#〜]テキストをボタンとして移動します。うまくいきません。

objectToBeDragged  = eventData.pointerCurrentRaycast.gameObject;
Button tempButton = objectToBeDragged.GetComponent<Button>();
Image tempImage = objectToBeDragged.GetComponent<Image>();
Text tempText = objectToBeDragged.GetComponent<Text>();

tempTextnot nullの場合、テキストの画像およびボタンコンポーネントのGetComponentInParentを取得します。 Imageがnullでなく、Buttonがnullでない場合は、Buttonです。

if (tempText != null)
    tempButton = tempText.GetComponentInParent<Button>();
    tempImage = tempText.GetComponentInParent<Image>();
    if (tempButton != null && tempImage != null)
        //This is a Button


public class UIDRAGGER : MonoBehaviour, IBeginDragHandler, IDragHandler, IEndDragHandler
    public Canvas parentCanvasOfImageToMove;

    //10 UI Buttons (Assign in Editor)
    public Button[] UIButtons;

    //2 UI Panels/Images (Assign in Editor)
    public Image[] UIPanels;

    //Hold which Button or Image is selected
    private Button selectedButton;
    private Image selectedUIPanels;

    //Used to make sure that the UI is position exactly where mouse was clicked intead of the default center of the UI
    Vector3 moveOffset;

    //Used to decide which mode we are in. Button Drag or Image/Panel Mode
    private DragType dragType = DragType.NONE;

    void Start()
        parentCanvasOfImageToMove = gameObject.GetComponent<Canvas>();

    //Checks if the Button passed in is in the array
    bool buttonIsAvailableInArray(Button button)
        bool _isAValidButton = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < UIButtons.Length; i++)
            if (UIButtons[i] == button)
                _isAValidButton = true;
        return _isAValidButton;

    //Checks if the Panel/Image passed in is in the array
    bool imageIsAvailableInArray(Image image)
        bool _isAValidImage = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < UIPanels.Length; i++)
            if (UIPanels[i] == image)
                _isAValidImage = true;
        return _isAValidImage;

    void selectButton(Button button, Vector3 currentPos)
        //check if it is in the image array that is allowed to be moved
        if (buttonIsAvailableInArray(button))
            //Make the image the current selected image
            selectedButton = button;
            dragType = DragType.BUTTONS;
            moveOffset = selectedButton.transform.position - currentPos;
            //Clear the selected Button
            selectedButton = null;
            dragType = DragType.NONE;

    void selectImage(Image image, Vector3 currentPos)
        //check if it is in the image array that is allowed to be moved
        if (imageIsAvailableInArray(image))
            //Make the image the current selected image
            selectedUIPanels = image;
            dragType = DragType.IMAGES;
            moveOffset = selectedUIPanels.transform.position - currentPos;
            //Clear the selected Button
            selectedUIPanels = null;
            dragType = DragType.NONE;

    public void OnBeginDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
        GameObject tempObj = eventData.pointerCurrentRaycast.gameObject;

        if (tempObj == null)

        Button tempButton = tempObj.GetComponent<Button>();
        Image tempImage = tempObj.GetComponent<Image>();
        Text tempText = tempObj.GetComponent<Text>();

        //For Offeset Position
        Vector2 pos;
        RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(parentCanvasOfImageToMove.transform as RectTransform, eventData.position, parentCanvasOfImageToMove.worldCamera, out pos);

        //Button must contain Text then Image and Button as parant
        //Check if this is an image
        if (tempButton == null || tempImage == null)
            //Button not detected. Check if Button's text was detected
            if (tempText != null)
                //Text detected. Now Look for Button and Image in the text's parent Object
                tempButton = tempText.GetComponentInParent<Button>();
                tempImage = tempText.GetComponentInParent<Image>();

                //Since child is text, check if parents are Button and Image
                if (tempButton != null && tempImage != null)
                    //This is a Button
                    selectButton(tempButton, parentCanvasOfImageToMove.transform.TransformPoint(pos));
                //Check if there is just an image
                else if (tempImage != null)
                    //This is an Image
                    selectImage(tempImage, parentCanvasOfImageToMove.transform.TransformPoint(pos));
                //This is an Image
                selectImage(tempImage, parentCanvasOfImageToMove.transform.TransformPoint(pos));
        //Check if there is just an image
        else if (tempImage != null)
            selectImage(tempImage, parentCanvasOfImageToMove.transform.TransformPoint(pos));

    public void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
        Vector2 pos;
        if (dragType == DragType.BUTTONS)
            RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(parentCanvasOfImageToMove.transform as RectTransform, eventData.position, parentCanvasOfImageToMove.worldCamera, out pos);
            selectedButton.transform.position = parentCanvasOfImageToMove.transform.TransformPoint(pos) + moveOffset;
        else if (dragType == DragType.IMAGES)
            RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(parentCanvasOfImageToMove.transform as RectTransform, eventData.position, parentCanvasOfImageToMove.worldCamera, out pos);
            selectedUIPanels.transform.position = parentCanvasOfImageToMove.transform.TransformPoint(pos) + moveOffset;

    public void OnEndDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
        if (dragType == DragType.BUTTONS || dragType == DragType.IMAGES)
            selectedButton = null;
            selectedUIPanels = null;
            dragType = DragType.NONE;

    DragType getCurrentDragType()
        return dragType;

    private enum DragType { NONE, BUTTONS, IMAGES };