

次のようにBindableBaseを実装するビューモデルに監視可能なコレクションがあります。ビューの2つのボタンにバインドされているMoveUpメソッドとMoveDownメソッドを見てください。上ボタンを押すたびに、データグリッド内の選択した行をデータベースのシーケンス列に基づいて1ステップ上に移動し、下に1ステップ下に移動します。どちらの方法も完全に機能します。問題は、ビュー全体が更新されたときにのみ変更がデータグリッドに表示されることです。私の要件は、ボタンがクリックされたときにビューを自動的に更新することです。このような長いコードをお詫びします。助けてください!!!!。ビューモデルの下に指定されている上ボタンと下ボタンの両方に、いくつかのcsコードもあります。強調する必要があるコード内のポインターは、ObservableCollection JobEntities、MoveUp、およびMoveDownコマンドのみです。


public class JobConfigurationViewModel : BindableBase

    public JobConfigurationLogic JobConfigurationLogic =
        new JobConfigurationLogic(new JobConfigurationResultsRepository());

    public SrcDestConfigurationLogic SrcDestConfigurationLogic =
        new SrcDestConfigurationLogic(new SrcDestCofigurationRepository());

    private string _enterprise;

    public string Enterprise
        get { return _enterprise; }
        set { SetProperty(ref _enterprise, value); }

    private int currentJobID;
    private int currentSequence;
    private int previousJobID;
    private int previousSequence;
    private string _site;

    public string Site
        get { return _site; }
        set { SetProperty(ref _site, value); }

    private int _siteID;

    public int SiteID
        get { return _siteID; }
        set { SetProperty(ref _siteID, value); }

    private ObservableCollection<JobConfigurationResults> _jobEntities;

    public ObservableCollection<JobConfigurationResults> JobEntities
        get { return _jobEntities; }
            SetProperty(ref _jobEntities, value); 

    //Source System List for Job
    private List<SourceSiteSystem> _lstJobSrcSystems;

    public List<SourceSiteSystem> LstJobSrcSystems
        get { return _lstJobSrcSystems; }
            //Using bindable base setproperty method instead of older inotify prop changed method
            SetProperty(ref _lstJobSrcSystems, value);

    //Deestination  System List for Job
    private List<DestinationSiteSystem> _lstJobDestSystems;

    public List<DestinationSiteSystem> LstJobDestSystems
        get { return _lstJobDestSystems; }
            //Using bindable base setproperty method instead of older inotify prop changed method
            SetProperty(ref _lstJobDestSystems, value);

    //the Selected Source Site system ID 
    private int _selectedSrcSiteSystemId = 0;

    public int SelectedSrcSiteSystemId
        get { return _selectedSrcSiteSystemId; }
            //Using bindable base setproperty method instead of older inotify prop changed method
            SetProperty(ref _selectedSrcSiteSystemId, value);

    //the Selected Source Site system from the dropdown
    private SourceSiteSystem _selectedSrcSiteSystem;

    public SourceSiteSystem SelectedSrcSiteSystem
        get { return _selectedSrcSiteSystem; }
            //Using bindable base setproperty method instead of older inotify prop changed method
            if (value != null)
                SetProperty(ref _selectedSrcSiteSystem, value);
                SelectedSrcSiteSystemId = SelectedSrcSiteSystem.SiteSystemId;

    //the Selected Destination Site system ID 
    private int _selectedDestSiteSystemId = 0;

    public int SelectedDestSiteSystemId
        get { return _selectedDestSiteSystemId; }
            //Using bindable base setproperty method instead of older inotify prop changed method
            SetProperty(ref _selectedDestSiteSystemId, value);

    //the Selected Destination Site system from the dropdown
    private DestinationSiteSystem _selectedDestSiteSystem;

    public DestinationSiteSystem SelectedDestSiteSystem
        get { return _selectedDestSiteSystem; }
            //Using bindable base setproperty method instead of older inotify prop changed method
            if (value != null)
                SetProperty(ref _selectedDestSiteSystem, value);
                SelectedDestSiteSystemId = SelectedDestSiteSystem.SiteSystemId;

    private JobConfigurationResults _jeJobConfigurationResults;

    public JobConfigurationResults JEJobConfigurationResults
        get { return _jeJobConfigurationResults; }
        set { _jeJobConfigurationResults = value; }

    private List<JobTaskConfiguration> _taskSelectionList = new List<JobTaskConfiguration>();

    private CancellationTokenSource _source;

    private RelayCommand<object> _commandSaveInstance;
    private RelayCommand<object> _hyperlinkInstance;
    private RelayCommand<object> _commandRunJob;
    private RelayCommand<object> _upCommand;
    private RelayCommand<object> _downCommand;
    private IEventAggregator _aggregator;

    /// <summary>
    /// This is a Subscriber to the Event published by EnterpriseViewModel
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="agg"></param>
    public JobConfigurationViewModel(IEventAggregator agg)
        _aggregator = agg;
        PubSubEvent<Message> evt = _aggregator.GetEvent<PubSubEvent<Message>>();
        evt.Subscribe(message => Enterprise = message.Enterprise.ToString(), ThreadOption.BackgroundThread);
        evt.Subscribe(message => Site = message.Site.ToString(), ThreadOption.BackgroundThread);
        evt.Subscribe(message => SiteID = message.SiteID, ThreadOption.BackgroundThread);

    private async void StartPopulate()
        await TaskPopulate();

    //This is to ensure that the publisher has published the data that is needed for display in this workspace
    private bool TaskProc()
        PubSubEvent<Message> evt = _aggregator.GetEvent<PubSubEvent<Message>>();
        evt.Subscribe(message => Enterprise = message.Enterprise.ToString(), ThreadOption.BackgroundThread);
        evt.Subscribe(message => Site = message.Site.ToString(), ThreadOption.BackgroundThread);
        evt.Subscribe(message => SiteID = message.SiteID, ThreadOption.BackgroundThread);
        return DoPopulate();

    private Task<bool> TaskPopulate()
        _source = new CancellationTokenSource();
        return Task.Factory.StartNew<bool>(TaskProc, _source.Token);

    /// <summary>
    /// This method handles the populating of the Source and Destination Dropdowns and the Job entity and Task Datagrid
    ///   This is mainly driven by the Site selected in the previous workspace
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>

    private bool DoPopulate()

        return true;

    /// <summary>
    /// this method displays all entities and tasks for the site.
    /// This is done async so that the Publisher thread is not held up
    /// </summary>
    public void GetJobConfigurationResults()
        if (SelectedSrcSiteSystem == null)
            SelectedSrcSiteSystem = LstJobSrcSystems[0];
        if (SelectedDestSiteSystem == null)
            SelectedDestSiteSystem = LstJobDestSystems[0];
        SelectedSrcSiteSystemId = SelectedSrcSiteSystem.SiteSystemId;
        SelectedDestSiteSystemId = SelectedDestSiteSystem.SiteSystemId;
        var jobConfigurationResults = new JobConfigurationResults
            SourceId = SelectedSrcSiteSystemId,
            DestinationId = SelectedDestSiteSystemId
        JobEntities = new ObservableCollection<JobConfigurationResults>();
        JobEntities = JobConfigurationLogic.GetResults(jobConfigurationResults.SourceId,
        _taskSelectionList = new List<JobTaskConfiguration>(JobEntities.Count * 3);

    /// <summary>
    /// //Adding a method to pupulate the Source and Destination dropdown lists. 
    /// This is done async so that the Publisher thread is not held up
    /// </summary>
    public async void PopulateSourceDestinations(int siteId)
        this.LstJobSrcSystems = SrcDestConfigurationLogic.LoadSourceSiteSystems(siteId);
        this.LstJobDestSystems = SrcDestConfigurationLogic.LoadDestinationSystems(siteId);

    public ICommand HyperlinkCommand
            if (_hyperlinkInstance == null)
                _hyperlinkInstance = new RelayCommand<object>(openDialog);
            return _hyperlinkInstance;

    private void openDialog(object obj)
        JobConfigurationResults results = obj as JobConfigurationResults;
        JEJobConfigurationResults = JobEntities.SingleOrDefault(x => x.JobEntityId == results.JobEntityId);


    public ICommand CommandSave
            if (_commandSaveInstance == null)
                _commandSaveInstance = new RelayCommand<object>(saveJobConfigurationChanges);
            return _commandSaveInstance;

    public ICommand CommandRunJob
        get { return _commandRunJob ?? (_commandRunJob = new RelayCommand<object>(RunJob)); }

    /// <summary>
    /// this saves all the changes in the selection made by the user 
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ob"></param>
    public void saveJobConfigurationChanges(object ob)
        foreach (var job in JobEntities)
            int jobEntityId = job.JobEntityId;
            foreach (var task in job.TaskDetails)
                int id = task.JobTask_ID;
                bool isSelected = task.IsSelected;

    public ICommand UpCommand
            if (_upCommand == null)
                _upCommand = new RelayCommand<object>(MoveUp);
            return _upCommand;

    private void MoveUp(object obj)

        if (obj != null)
            JobConfigurationResults results = obj as JobConfigurationResults;
            currentJobID = results.JobEntityId;
            currentSequence = results.SequenceOrder - 1;
                JobConfigurationResults res = _jobEntities.SingleOrDefault(n => n.SequenceOrder == currentSequence);
                previousJobID = res.JobEntityId;
                previousSequence = res.SequenceOrder + 1;
                // JobConfigurationLogic.UpdateSequence(currentJobID, previousSequence, previousJobID, currentSequence);
                JobConfigurationLogic.UpdateSequence(currentSequence, currentJobID, previousSequence, previousJobID);
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                MessageBox.Show("Can't move the top record");

            MessageBox.Show("Please Select a row that you want to sort");

    public ICommand DownCommand
            if (_downCommand == null)
                _downCommand = new RelayCommand<object>(MoveDown);
            return _downCommand;

    private void MoveDown(object obj)
        if (obj != null)
            JobConfigurationResults results = obj as JobConfigurationResults;
            currentJobID = results.JobEntityId;
            currentSequence = results.SequenceOrder + 1;
                JobConfigurationResults res = _jobEntities.SingleOrDefault(a => a.SequenceOrder == currentSequence);
                previousJobID = res.JobEntityId;
                previousSequence = res.SequenceOrder - 1;
                JobConfigurationLogic.UpdateSequence(currentSequence, currentJobID, previousSequence, previousJobID);
            catch (NullReferenceException)

                MessageBox.Show("You have reached the end");

            MessageBox.Show("Please Select a row that you want to sort");

    /// <summary>
    /// Execute an etl job using the current job id
    /// </summary>
    private void RunJob(object obj)
        JobEngine jobEngine = new JobEngine();
        var jobId = JobEntities[0].JobId;


private void btnup_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


private void btndown_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


[〜#〜] msdn [〜#〜]




public class MainWindowViewModel : BindableBase
    //Notice no OnPropertyChange, just a property
    public ObservableCollection<TestEntity> TestEntities { get; set; }

    public MainWindowViewModel()
        : base()
        this.TestEntities = new ObservableCollection<TestEntity> {
            new TestEntity { Name = "Test", Count=0},
            new TestEntity { Name = "Test1", Count=1},
            new TestEntity { Name = "Test2", Count=2},
            new TestEntity { Name = "Test3", Count=3}

        this.UpCommand = new DelegateCommand(this.MoveUp);

    public ICommand UpCommand { get; private set; }

    private void MoveUp()
        //Here is a dummy edit to show the modification of a element within the observable collection
        var i = this.TestEntities.FirstOrDefault();
        i.Count = 5;



public class TestEntity : BindableBase {
    private String _name;
    public String Name
        get { return _name; }
        set { SetProperty(ref _name, value); }
    //Notice I've implemented the OnPropertyNotify (Prism uses SetProperty, but it's the same thing)
    private Int32 _count;
    public Int32 Count
        get { return _count; }
        set { SetProperty(ref _count, value); }

これを機能させるには、実際にはすべてのTestEntityINotifyPropertyChangedを実装している必要がありますが、例としてPRISM BindableBaseを使用しています。






public class MainWindowViewModel : BindableBase
    //This will bind to the DataGrid instead of the TestEntities
    public CollectionViewSource ViewSource { get; set; }
    //Notice no OnPropertyChange, just a property
    public ObservableCollection<TestEntity> TestEntities { get; set; }

    public MainWindowViewModel()
        : base()
        this.TestEntities = new ObservableCollection<TestEntity> {
        new TestEntity { Name = "Test", Count=0},
        new TestEntity { Name = "Test1", Count=1},
        new TestEntity { Name = "Test2", Count=2},
        new TestEntity { Name = "Test3", Count=3}

        this.UpCommand = new DelegateCommand(this.MoveUp);

        //Initialize the view source and set the source to your observable collection
        this.ViewSource = new CollectionViewSource();
        ViewSource.Source = this.TestEntities;

    public ICommand UpCommand { get; private set; }

    private void MoveUp()
        //Here is a dummy edit to show the modification of a element within the observable collection
        var i = this.TestEntities.FirstOrDefault();
        i.Count = 5;
        //Now anytime you want the datagrid to refresh you can call this.


public class TestEntity : BindableBase
    private String _name;
    public String Name
        get { return _name; }
        set { SetProperty(ref _name, value); }
    //Notice I've implemented the OnPropertyNotify (Prism uses SetProperty, but it's the same thing)
    private Int32 _count;
    public Int32 Count
        get { return _count; }
        set { SetProperty(ref _count, value); }


<DataGrid  Grid.Row="1" ItemsSource="{Binding ViewSource.View}"></DataGrid>

詳細については、これに関する [〜#〜] msdn [〜#〜] の記事を参照してください。

別の関連する質問/回答があります- 境界データが変更された後にWPFDataGridを再ソートします
