


  1. 投稿の種類 - dramas ---------分類法 - drama_taxonomy
  2. 投稿の種類 - reality_shows - 分類法 - reality_shows_taxonomy


コード :

//fetching the terms for the 'drama_taxonomy' taxonomy
//HERE I WANT TO INCLUDE 'reality_shows_taxonomy' taxonomy too
$terms = get_terms( 'drama_taxonomy', array(
    'orderby'    => 'count',
    'hide_empty' => 0
) );

// now run a query for each dramas terms
foreach( $terms as $term ) {

    // Define the query
    $args = array(
        'post_type' => 'dramas', //HERE I WANT TO INCLUDE 'reality_shows' custom post type too
        'drama_taxonomy' => $term->slug
    $query = new WP_Query( $args ); 
<div class="white-theme">
    <div class="wrapper space">
        <div class="latest-sec">
            <div class="schedule-header">
                <ul class="nav">
                    <li class="content-title"><?php echo $term->name ?></li>
            <div style="margin-top:25px;position:relative;padding:0 2%;">
                <div class="video-list-container" id="video-content">
                        while ( $query->have_posts() ) : $query->the_post(); 
                        $image_id = get_post_thumbnail_id();
                        $image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($image_id,'drama_realityshow_home_page_thumb', true);  
                        if ( 'reality_shows' == get_post_type() ) { 
                            $terms = get_the_terms( $post->ID, 'reality_shows_taxonomy' );
                        else {
                            $terms = get_the_terms( $post->ID, 'drama_taxonomy' );
                    <div class="item">
                        <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" class="standard-height">
                        <img src="<?php echo $image_url[0]; ?>" width="300" height="168" class="hoverZoomLink">
                        <div class="new-cat">
                                foreach($terms as $term) {
                                  echo $term->name; // HERE I WANT TO GET TERMS FROM BOTH TAXONOMIES
                                } ?>
                    <?php endwhile; ?>
                <a class="load-more" href="javascript:load_more()" style="display: none;"></a>
<?php } ?



Foolish Coder

ここでのあなたの最善の解決策は、あなたが問い合わせるところで single queryを実行することでしょう。

  • すべての投稿タイプ

  • 分類法に関係なくすべてからの投稿




  • 次のコードはテストされていないため、バグがある可能性があります。デバッグをオンにしてローカルで最初に実行することをお勧めします。

  • コードは少なくともPHP5.4を必要とし、短い配列構文と直接的な配列参照解除のために古いバージョンで致命的エラーを引き起こします。まだ古いバージョンを使用している場合は、アップグレードすることをお勧めします。 PHP5.4より前のすべてのバージョンはEOLされています。これらのバージョンをまだ使用している場合、サイトに大きなセキュリティ上のリスクがあります。

  • 非常に重要 usort()のソート関数は、クエリに1つまたは2つの投稿タイプがある場合にのみ正常に機能します。2つ以上の投稿タイプがある場合、関数内のロジックは正しく機能しません。また、各投稿タイプに1つの分類法が割り当てられている場合でも、ロジックは期待どおりに機能します。さらに、投稿に複数の用語が割り当てられている場合は、最初の用語のみがソート目的に使用されます。

  • 理解しやすくするために、コード自体に沿って進むにつれて、コードについて説明します。


// Define our query arguments
$args = [
    'post_type' => ['dramas', 'reality_shows'], // Get posts from these two post types
    // Define any additional arguments here, but do not add taxonomy parameters
$q = new WP_Query( $args );

 * We now need to sort the returned array of posts stored in $q->posts, we will use usort()
 * There is a bug in usort causing the following error:
 * usort(): Array was modified by the user comparison function
 * @see https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=50688
 * This bug has yet to be fixed, when, no one knows. The only workaround is to suppress the error reporting
 * by using the @ sign before usort
 * The usort bug has been fixed in PHP 7, yeah!!
@usort( $q->posts, function ( $a, $b )
    // Sort by post type if two posts being compared does not share the same post type
    if ( $a->post_type != $b->post_type )
        return strcasecmp( $a->post_type, $b->post_type ); // Swop the two variable around for desc sorting

     * I we reach this point, it means the two posts being compared has the same post type
     * We will now sort by taxonomy terms

     * The logic for the code directly below is, we have two post types, and a single post can only be assigned to 
     * one post type, so a post can only be from the dramas post type or from the reality_shows post type. We also just
     * need to check one of the two posts being compared as we know both posts are from the same post type. If they
     * they were not, we would not have been here
     * The socond part of the logic is that the drama_taxonomy is only assigned to the dramas post type and the 
     * reality_shows_taxonomy is only assigned to the reality_shows post type, so we can set the taxonomy according
     * to post type
    $taxonomy = ( $a->post_type == 'dramas' ) ? 'drama_taxonomy' : 'reality_shows_taxonomy';
    $terms_a = get_the_terms( $a->ID, $taxonomy );
    $array_a = ( $terms_a && !is_wp_error( $terms_a ) ) ? $terms_a[0]->name : 'zzzzz'; // zzzz is some crappy fallback

    $terms_b = get_the_terms( $b->ID, $taxonomy );
    $array_b = ( $terms_b && !is_wp_error( $terms_b ) ) ? $terms_b[0]->name : 'zzzzz'; // zzzz is some crappy fallback

    // We will now sort by terms, if the terms are the same between two posts being compared, sort by date
    if ( $array_a != $array_b ) {
        return strcasecmp( $array_a, $array_b ); // Swop the two variables around to swop sorting order
    } else {
        return $a->post_date < $b->post_date; // Change < to > to swop sorting order around
}, 10, 2 );

// $q->posts is now reordered and sorted by post type and by term, simply run our loop now


if ( $q->have_posts() ) {
    // Define variable to hold previous post term name
    $term_string = '';
    while ( $q->have_posts() ) {

       // Set the taxonomy according to post type
      $taxonomy = ( 'reality_shows' == get_post_type() ) ? 'reality_shows_taxonomy' : 'drama_taxonomy';
        // Get the post terms. Use the first term's name
        $terms = get_the_terms( get_the_ID, $taxonomy );
      $term_name = ( $terms && !is_wp_error( $terms ) ) ? $terms[0]->name : 'Not assigned';
        // Display the taxonomy name if previous and current post term name don't match
        if ( $term_string != $term_name )
            echo '<h2>' . $term_name . '</h2>'; // Add styling and tags to suite your needs

        // Update the $term_string variable
        $term_string = $term_name;

        // REST OF YOUR LOOP

Pieter Goosen