


✓ this is my text
✓ this is my text
✓ this is my text
✓ this is my text
✓ this is my text
✓ this is my text


  <li>this is my text</li>
  <li>this is my text</li>
  <li>this is my text</li>
  <li>this is my text</li>
  <li>this is my text</li>

pseudo-element を使用して、各リスト項目の前にその文字を挿入できます。

ul {
  list-style: none;

ul li:before {
  content: '✓';
  <li>this is my text</li>
  <li>this is my text</li>
  <li>this is my text</li>
  <li>this is my text</li>
  <li>this is my text</li>
Josh Crozier


ul:first-child  li:before { content:"\2713\0020"; }  /* OR */
ul:nth-child(2) li:before { content:"\2714\0020"; }  /* OR */
ul:last-child   li:before { content:"\2611\0020"; }
ul { list-style-type: none; }
  <li>this is my text</li>
  <li>this is my text</li>
  <li>this is my text</li>
  <li>this is my text</li>
  <li>this is my text</li>

  <li>this is my text</li>
  <li>this is my text</li>
  <li>this is my text</li>
  <li>this is my text</li>
  <li>this is my text</li>

<ul><!-- not working on Stack snippet; check fiddle demo -->
  <li>this is my text</li>
  <li>this is my text</li>
  <li>this is my text</li>
  <li>this is my text</li>
  <li>this is my text</li>




ul li:before { content: '✓'; }ソリューションへの追加として、 Font Aswesomeチェックマーク など、SVGアイコンをコンテンツとして使用できます。

ul {
  list-style: none;
li {
  position: relative;
  padding-left: 1.5em;  /* space to preserve indentation on wrap */
li:before {
  content: '';  /* placeholder for the SVG */
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;  /* place the SVG at the start of the padding */
  width: 1em;
  height: 1em;
  background: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><svg width='18' height='18' viewBox='0 0 1792 1792' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='M1671 566q0 40-28 68l-724 724-136 136q-28 28-68 28t-68-28l-136-136-362-362q-28-28-28-68t28-68l136-136q28-28 68-28t68 28l294 295 656-657q28-28 68-28t68 28l136 136q28 28 28 68z'/></svg>") no-repeat;
  <li>this is my text</li>
  <li>this is my text</li>
  <li>This is my text, it's pretty long so it needs to wrap. Note that wrapping preserves the indentation that bullets had!</li>
  <li>this is my text</li>
  <li>this is my text</li>

他の回答にあったラッピングの問題を解決するために、各<li>の左側に1.5m emのスペースを確保し、そのスペースの先頭にSVGを配置します(position: absolute; left: 0)。

ここにもっとあります Font Awesome black icons

CODEPEN <-自分で試してみてください

Adam Orlov