
AJAX 応答を返す


wp_enqueue_script( // Add JS to <head>
    plugins_url( 'assets/js/change-post-author.js', dirname( __FILE__ ) ),
wp_localize_script( // Localize script for AJAX calls
    'cc-author-change-post-author', // Name of script call being localized
    'authorchange', // AJAX object namespace, used to call values in the JS file
        'ajaxurl'   => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ), // URL for admin AJAX calls
        'nonce'     => wp_create_nonce( 'cc-author-change-author-nonce' ) // Nonce to authenticate request

function cc_author_change_postauthor_callback() {
    $nonce = $_POST['nonce']; // Assign a local variable for nonce

    if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'cc-author-change-author-nonce' ) ) { // If the nonce doesn't check out, fail the request
        exit( 'Your request could not be authenticated' ); // Error message for unauthenticated request

    if ( current_user_can( 'edit_others_posts' ) || current_user_can( 'edit_others_pages' ) ) { // Check for proper permissions before handling request
        $author = $_POST['authorID']; // Assign local variable for submitted post author

        if ( $author ) { // If an author ID was provided, get the user's details
            $authordata = get_userdata( $author ); // Retrieve the selected user's data from their profile

            $authormeta = json_encode( array( // Encode data as JSON
                'display_name'  => $authordata['display_name'], // Display name from profile
                'description'   => $authordata['description'] // Biographical info from profile
            ) );
        else { // If no author ID was provided, send back an error message
            $authormetaerror = 'No user ID provided. Please try again.'; // Error message to send back
            $authormeta = json_encode( array( // Encode as JSON
                'display_name'  => $authormetaerror,
                'description'   => $authormetaerror
            ) );

        echo $authormeta; // Return the values retrieved from the database

    exit; // End response. Required for callback to return a proper result.
} // cc_author_change_postauthor_callback()
add_action( 'wp_ajax_cc_author_change_postauthor', 'cc_author_change_postauthor_callback' );


jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) { // Don't execute anything until the page is loaded
    $( "#cc_author_postauthor" ).change( function() { // If the author dropdown value is changed, execute the script
        /* Data to pass to the server. Called below during $.post() */
        var data = {
            action : 'cc_author_change_postauthor',             // Action hook for the server-side callback
            nonce : authorchange.nonce,                         // Nonce received from server to authenticate request
            authorID : $( "#cc_author_postauthor" ).val()       // author ID for retrieving profile data

        /* Send request to the server and process response */
            authorchange.ajaxurl,                               // URL to send the request to the server
            data,                                               // Data to send to the server, stored in var data
            function( jsonString ) {                            // Script to execute upon successful response from server
                var authormeta = $.parseJSON( jsonString );     // Parse the JSON received from the server response

                $( "#cc_author_meta\\[0\\]\\[display_name\\]" ).val( authormeta.display_name ); // Change the value of the author display name to the value received from the server
                $( "#cc_author_meta\\[0\\]\\[description\\]" ).val( authormeta.description );   // Change the value of the author bio to the value received from the server
            } // function( jsonString )
        ); // $.post
    }); // $( "#cc_author_postauthor" ).change()


function cc_author_metabox( $post ) {
    /* Retrieve current values if they exist */
    $cc_author_meta = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_cc_author_meta', true ); // Author meta data (stored as an array)
    $postauthorid = $post->post_author; // Get the user ID of the post author

    /* If any of the values are missing from the post, retrieve them from the author's global profile */
    if ( !$cc_author_meta ) {       
        $postauthor = get_userdata( $postauthorid ); // Retrieve the details of the post author

        $cc_author_meta = array(); // Initialize main array
        $cc_author_meta[0] = array( // Nested array for author data
            'display_name'  => $postauthor->display_name, // Set display name from post author's data
            'description'   => $postauthor->description // Set bio from the post author's data

    /* Display the meta box contents */
    <div class="cc_author_metabox">
        <p>Changes made to this information will only apply to this post, and will not be saved to the user's profile.</p>
        if ( current_user_can( 'edit_others_posts' ) || current_user_can( 'edit_others_pages' ) ) { // Check the capabilities of the current user for sufficient privileges
            wp_dropdown_users( array(
                'name'          => 'cc_author_postauthor', // Name for the form item
                'id'            => 'cc_author_postauthor', // Class for the form item
                'selected'      => $postauthorid // Select the post's author to be displayed by default
            ) );
                You have JavaScript disabled. If you change the post author in the dropdown, you will need to save the post for the fields below to update. Please enable JavaScript for a better experience.
            <div id="cc_author_postauthor_loading" class="cc_author_postauthor_loading"><img id="cc_author_postauthor_loading_img" class="cc_author_postauthor_loading_img" src="<?php echo plugins_url( 'assets/img/loading.gif', dirname( __FILE__ ) ); ?>" width="20px" style="width: 20px;"></div>
            <input type="hidden" name="cc_author_currentpostauthor" value="<?php echo $postauthorid; ?>">
        <label for="cc_author_meta[0][display_name]" class="selectit">Name</label>
        <input type="text" name="cc_author_meta[0][display_name]" id="cc_author_meta[0][display_name]" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $cc_author_meta[0]['display_name'] ); ?>" />

        <label for="cc_author_meta[0][description]" class="selectit">Bio</label>

        $descEditor = new ccAuthorDescEditor( $cc_author_meta[0]['description'], 'cc_author_meta[0][description]' ); // Create the bio editor object
        echo $descEditor->editor(); // Display the editor

答えは私の目の前にあると確信していますが、これがWordPress AJAX AP​​Iを使用したのは今回が初めてです。何がおかしいのですか?

プラグインコード全体は そのGithubリポジトリ で見ることができます。



add_action( 'wp_ajax_cc_author_change_postauthor', 'cc_author_change_postauthor_callback' );





私はその問題を解決した。 PHPコードがREQUEST URIがページまたは投稿を編集するためのものの1つである場合にのみ、ファイルを条件付きでインクルードしました。そのため、PHPコードは、要求がadmin-ajax.php経由で送信されたときには含まれていませんでした。私はそれを修正しましたそして今、私はすべて設定されています。みんなの助けてくれてありがとう!



exit; // End response. Required for callback to return a proper result.

die()またはwp_die() "関数を使用してください。修正する必要があります。