


編集:私の線分は2つの端点で定義されています。それで私の線分ABA (x1,y1)B (x2,y2)の二つの点で定義されます。この線分とC (x3,y3)の間の距離を見つけようとしています。私の幾何学のスキルはさびています、それで私が見た例は混乱しています、私は認めて申し訳ありません。

Eli Courtwright

エリ、あなたが決めたコードは正しくありません。セグメントがある線の近くにあるがセグメントの一方の端から遠い点は、セグメントの近くで誤って判断されます。 更新:記載されている間違った答えはもはや受け入れられたものではありません。

これはC++での正しいコードです。これは、基本的に、加算、減算、拡大縮小などを行う演算子と、距離と内積の関数(つまりclass vec2 {float x,y;})を持つクラス2Dベクトルx1 x2 + y1 y2を前提としています。

float minimum_distance(vec2 v, vec2 w, vec2 p) {
  // Return minimum distance between line segment vw and point p
  const float l2 = length_squared(v, w);  // i.e. |w-v|^2 -  avoid a sqrt
  if (l2 == 0.0) return distance(p, v);   // v == w case
  // Consider the line extending the segment, parameterized as v + t (w - v).
  // We find projection of point p onto the line. 
  // It falls where t = [(p-v) . (w-v)] / |w-v|^2
  // We clamp t from [0,1] to handle points outside the segment vw.
  const float t = max(0, min(1, dot(p - v, w - v) / l2));
  const vec2 projection = v + t * (w - v);  // Projection falls on the segment
  return distance(p, projection);


function sqr(x) { return x * x }
function dist2(v, w) { return sqr(v.x - w.x) + sqr(v.y - w.y) }
function distToSegmentSquared(p, v, w) {
  var l2 = dist2(v, w);
  if (l2 == 0) return dist2(p, v);
  var t = ((p.x - v.x) * (w.x - v.x) + (p.y - v.y) * (w.y - v.y)) / l2;
  t = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, t));
  return dist2(p, { x: v.x + t * (w.x - v.x),
                    y: v.y + t * (w.y - v.y) });
function distToSegment(p, v, w) { return Math.sqrt(distToSegmentSquared(p, v, w)); }


float dist_to_segment_squared(float px, float py, float pz, float lx1, float ly1, float lz1, float lx2, float ly2, float lz2) {
  float line_dist = dist_sq(lx1, ly1, lz1, lx2, ly2, lz2);
  if (line_dist == 0) return dist_sq(px, py, pz, lx1, ly1, lz1);
  float t = ((px - lx1) * (lx2 - lx1) + (py - ly1) * (ly2 - ly1) + (pz - lz1) * (lz2 - lz1)) / line_dist;
  t = constrain(t, 0, 1);
  return dist_sq(px, py, pz, lx1 + t * (lx2 - lx1), ly1 + t * (ly2 - ly1), lz1 + t * (lz2 - lz1));


x、yはターゲットポイントで、x 1、y 1からx 2、y 2はラインセグメントです。


function pDistance(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2) {

  var A = x - x1;
  var B = y - y1;
  var C = x2 - x1;
  var D = y2 - y1;

  var dot = A * C + B * D;
  var len_sq = C * C + D * D;
  var param = -1;
  if (len_sq != 0) //in case of 0 length line
      param = dot / len_sq;

  var xx, yy;

  if (param < 0) {
    xx = x1;
    yy = y1;
  else if (param > 1) {
    xx = x2;
    yy = y2;
  else {
    xx = x1 + param * C;
    yy = y1 + param * D;

  var dx = x - xx;
  var dy = y - yy;
  return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

これはFINITE LINE SEGMENTSのために作られた実装であり、他のほとんどの関数のように無限の行ではないようです(私がこれを作ったのはそのためです)。

Paul Bourkeによる理論の実装


def dist(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3): # x3,y3 is the point
    px = x2-x1
    py = y2-y1

    norm = px*px + py*py

    u =  ((x3 - x1) * px + (y3 - y1) * py) / float(norm)

    if u > 1:
        u = 1
    Elif u < 0:
        u = 0

    x = x1 + u * px
    y = y1 + u * py

    dx = x - x3
    dy = y - y3

    # Note: If the actual distance does not matter,
    # if you only want to compare what this function
    # returns to other results of this function, you
    # can just return the squared distance instead
    # (i.e. remove the sqrt) to gain a little performance

    dist = (dx*dx + dy*dy)**.5

    return dist


public static function segmentDistToPoint(segA:Point, segB:Point, p:Point):Number
    var p2:Point = new Point(segB.x - segA.x, segB.y - segA.y);
    var something:Number = p2.x*p2.x + p2.y*p2.y;
    var u:Number = ((p.x - segA.x) * p2.x + (p.y - segA.y) * p2.y) / something;

    if (u > 1)
        u = 1;
    else if (u < 0)
        u = 0;

    var x:Number = segA.x + u * p2.x;
    var y:Number = segA.y + u * p2.y;

    var dx:Number = x - p.x;
    var dy:Number = y - p.y;

    var dist:Number = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);

    return dist;


private double shortestDistance(float x1,float y1,float x2,float y2,float x3,float y3)
        float px=x2-x1;
        float py=y2-y1;
        float temp=(px*px)+(py*py);
        float u=((x3 - x1) * px + (y3 - y1) * py) / (temp);
        else if(u<0){
        float x = x1 + u * px;
        float y = y1 + u * py;

        float dx = x - x3;
        float dy = y - y3;
        double dist = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
        return dist;


私自身の質問スレッド では、C、C#/ .NET 2.0またはJavaのすべての場合において、点と線分の間の最短の2D距離をどのように計算しますか? 私が見つけたときに私はここにC#の答えを入れるように頼まれました:だからここで、それは http://www.topcoder.com/tc?d1=tutorials&d2=geometry1&module=Static

//Compute the dot product AB . BC
private double DotProduct(double[] pointA, double[] pointB, double[] pointC)
    double[] AB = new double[2];
    double[] BC = new double[2];
    AB[0] = pointB[0] - pointA[0];
    AB[1] = pointB[1] - pointA[1];
    BC[0] = pointC[0] - pointB[0];
    BC[1] = pointC[1] - pointB[1];
    double dot = AB[0] * BC[0] + AB[1] * BC[1];

    return dot;

//Compute the cross product AB x AC
private double CrossProduct(double[] pointA, double[] pointB, double[] pointC)
    double[] AB = new double[2];
    double[] AC = new double[2];
    AB[0] = pointB[0] - pointA[0];
    AB[1] = pointB[1] - pointA[1];
    AC[0] = pointC[0] - pointA[0];
    AC[1] = pointC[1] - pointA[1];
    double cross = AB[0] * AC[1] - AB[1] * AC[0];

    return cross;

//Compute the distance from A to B
double Distance(double[] pointA, double[] pointB)
    double d1 = pointA[0] - pointB[0];
    double d2 = pointA[1] - pointB[1];

    return Math.Sqrt(d1 * d1 + d2 * d2);

//Compute the distance from AB to C
//if isSegment is true, AB is a segment, not a line.
double LineToPointDistance2D(double[] pointA, double[] pointB, double[] pointC, 
    bool isSegment)
    double dist = CrossProduct(pointA, pointB, pointC) / Distance(pointA, pointB);
    if (isSegment)
        double dot1 = DotProduct(pointA, pointB, pointC);
        if (dot1 > 0) 
            return Distance(pointB, pointC);

        double dot2 = DotProduct(pointB, pointA, pointC);
        if (dot2 > 0) 
            return Distance(pointA, pointC);
    return Math.Abs(dist);


char m


let pointToLineSegmentDistance (a: Vector, b: Vector) (c: Vector) =
  let d = b - a
  let s = d.Length
  let lambda = (c - a) * d / s
  let p = (lambda |> max 0.0 |> min s) * d / s
  (a + p - c).Length

ベクトルdは、線分に沿ってaからbを指します。 d/sc-aの内積は、無限直線と点cの間の最接近点のパラメータを与えます。 minおよびmax関数は、このパラメーターがabの間になるように、このパラメーターを範囲0..sに固定するために使用されます。最後に、a+p-cの長さはcからラインセグメント上の最も近い点までの距離です。


pointToLineSegmentDistance (Vector(0.0, 0.0), Vector(1.0, 0.0)) (Vector(-1.0, 1.0))
Jon Harrop



 distance[{start_, end_}, pt_] := 
   param = ((pt - start).(end - start))/Norm[end - start]^2; (*parameter. the "."
                                                       here means vector product*)

    param < 0, EuclideanDistance[start, pt],                 (*If outside bounds*)
    param > 1, EuclideanDistance[end, pt],
    True, EuclideanDistance[pt, start + param (end - start)] (*Normal distance*)


Plot3D[distance[{{0, 0}, {1, 0}}, {xp, yp}], {xp, -1, 2}, {yp, -1, 2}]

alt text


alt text


enter image description here

Dr. belisarius


- (double)distanceToPoint:(CGPoint)p fromLineSegmentBetween:(CGPoint)l1 and:(CGPoint)l2
    double A = p.x - l1.x;
    double B = p.y - l1.y;
    double C = l2.x - l1.x;
    double D = l2.y - l1.y;

    double dot = A * C + B * D;
    double len_sq = C * C + D * D;
    double param = dot / len_sq;

    double xx, yy;

    if (param < 0 || (l1.x == l2.x && l1.y == l2.y)) {
        xx = l1.x;
        yy = l1.y;
    else if (param > 1) {
        xx = l2.x;
        yy = l2.y;
    else {
        xx = l1.x + param * C;
        yy = l1.y + param * D;

    double dx = p.x - xx;
    double dy = p.y - yy;

    return sqrtf(dx * dx + dy * dy);


- (double)distanceToPoint:(MKMapPoint)p fromLineSegmentBetween:(MKMapPoint)l1 and:(MKMapPoint)l2
    double A = p.x - l1.x;
    double B = p.y - l1.y;
    double C = l2.x - l1.x;
    double D = l2.y - l1.y;

    double dot = A * C + B * D;
    double len_sq = C * C + D * D;
    double param = dot / len_sq;

    double xx, yy;

    if (param < 0 || (l1.x == l2.x && l1.y == l2.y)) {
        xx = l1.x;
        yy = l1.y;
    else if (param > 1) {
        xx = l2.x;
        yy = l2.y;
    else {
        xx = l1.x + param * C;
        yy = l1.y + param * D;

    return MKMetersBetweenMapPoints(p, MKMapPointMake(xx, yy));
Ben Gotow


//st = start of line segment
//b = the line segment (as in: st + b = end of line segment)
//pt = point to test
//Returns distance from point to line segment.  
//Note: nearest point on the segment to the test point is right there if we ever need it
public static function linePointDist( st:Point, b:Point, pt:Point ):Number
    var nearestPt:Point; //closest point on seqment to pt

    var keyDot:Number = dot( b, pt.subtract( st ) ); //key dot product
    var bLenSq:Number = dot( b, b ); //Segment length squared

    if( keyDot <= 0 )  //pt is "behind" st, use st
        nearestPt = st  
    else if( keyDot >= bLenSq ) //pt is "past" end of segment, use end (notice we are saving twin sqrts here cuz)
        nearestPt = st.add(b);
    else //pt is inside segment, reuse keyDot and bLenSq to get percent of seqment to move in to find closest point
        var keyDotToPctOfB:Number = keyDot/bLenSq; //REM dot product comes squared
        var partOfB:Point = new Point( b.x * keyDotToPctOfB, b.y * keyDotToPctOfB );
        nearestPt = st.add(partOfB);

    var dist:Number = (pt.subtract(nearestPt)).length;

    return dist;

また、ここで問題のかなり完全で読みやすい議論があります。 notejot.com

Matt W

怠け者のために、これが上記@ GrumdrigのソリューションのObjective-Cポートです。

CGFloat sqr(CGFloat x) { return x*x; }
CGFloat dist2(CGPoint v, CGPoint w) { return sqr(v.x - w.x) + sqr(v.y - w.y); }
CGFloat distanceToSegmentSquared(CGPoint p, CGPoint v, CGPoint w)
    CGFloat l2 = dist2(v, w);
    if (l2 == 0.0f) return dist2(p, v);

    CGFloat t = ((p.x - v.x) * (w.x - v.x) + (p.y - v.y) * (w.y - v.y)) / l2;
    if (t < 0.0f) return dist2(p, v);
    if (t > 1.0f) return dist2(p, w);
    return dist2(p, CGPointMake(v.x + t * (w.x - v.x), v.y + t * (w.y - v.y)));
CGFloat distanceToSegment(CGPoint point, CGPoint segmentPointV, CGPoint segmentPointW)
    return sqrtf(distanceToSegmentSquared(point, segmentPointV, segmentPointW));


from math import sqrt, fabs
def pdis(a, b, c):
    t = b[0]-a[0], b[1]-a[1]           # Vector ab
    dd = sqrt(t[0]**2+t[1]**2)         # Length of ab
    t = t[0]/dd, t[1]/dd               # unit vector of ab
    n = -t[1], t[0]                    # normal unit vector to ab
    ac = c[0]-a[0], c[1]-a[1]          # vector ac
    return fabs(ac[0]*n[0]+ac[1]*n[1]) # Projection of ac to n (the minimum distance)

print pdis((1,1), (2,2), (2,0))        # Example (answer is 1.414)


real function pdis(a, b, c)
    real, dimension(0:1), intent(in) :: a, b, c
    real, dimension(0:1) :: t, n, ac
    real :: dd
    t = b - a                          ! Vector ab
    dd = sqrt(t(0)**2+t(1)**2)         ! Length of ab
    t = t/dd                           ! unit vector of ab
    n = (/-t(1), t(0)/)                ! normal unit vector to ab
    ac = c - a                         ! vector ac
    pdis = abs(ac(0)*n(0)+ac(1)*n(1))  ! Projection of ac to n (the minimum distance)
end function pdis

program test
    print *, pdis((/1.0,1.0/), (/2.0,2.0/), (/2.0,0.0/))   ! Example (answer is 1.414)
end program test


#include "stdio.h"
#include "math.h"

class Vec2
    float _x;
    float _y;

        _x = 0;
        _y = 0;

    Vec2( const float x, const float y )
        _x = x;
        _y = y;

    Vec2 operator+( const Vec2 &v ) const
        return Vec2( this->_x + v._x, this->_y + v._y );

    Vec2 operator-( const Vec2 &v ) const
        return Vec2( this->_x - v._x, this->_y - v._y );

    Vec2 operator*( const float f ) const
        return Vec2( this->_x * f, this->_y * f );

    float DistanceToSquared( const Vec2 p ) const
        const float dX = p._x - this->_x;
        const float dY = p._y - this->_y;

        return dX * dX + dY * dY;

    float DistanceTo( const Vec2 p ) const
        return sqrt( this->DistanceToSquared( p ) );

    float DotProduct( const Vec2 p ) const
        return this->_x * p._x + this->_y * p._y;

// return minimum distance between line segment vw and point p, and the closest point on the line segment, q
float DistanceFromLineSegmentToPoint( const Vec2 v, const Vec2 w, const Vec2 p, Vec2 * const q )
    const float distSq = v.DistanceToSquared( w ); // i.e. |w-v|^2 ... avoid a sqrt
    if ( distSq == 0.0 )
        // v == w case
        (*q) = v;

        return v.DistanceTo( p );

    // consider the line extending the segment, parameterized as v + t (w - v)
    // we find projection of point p onto the line
    // it falls where t = [(p-v) . (w-v)] / |w-v|^2

    const float t = ( p - v ).DotProduct( w - v ) / distSq;
    if ( t < 0.0 )
        // beyond the v end of the segment
        (*q) = v;

        return v.DistanceTo( p );
    else if ( t > 1.0 )
        // beyond the w end of the segment
        (*q) = w;

        return w.DistanceTo( p );

    // projection falls on the segment
    const Vec2 projection = v + ( ( w - v ) * t );

    (*q) = projection;

    return p.DistanceTo( projection );

float DistanceFromLineSegmentToPoint( float segmentX1, float segmentY1, float segmentX2, float segmentY2, float pX, float pY, float *qX, float *qY )
    Vec2 q;

    float distance = DistanceFromLineSegmentToPoint( Vec2( segmentX1, segmentY1 ), Vec2( segmentX2, segmentY2 ), Vec2( pX, pY ), &q );

    (*qX) = q._x;
    (*qY) = q._y;

    return distance;

void TestDistanceFromLineSegmentToPoint( float segmentX1, float segmentY1, float segmentX2, float segmentY2, float pX, float pY )
    float qX;
    float qY;
    float d = DistanceFromLineSegmentToPoint( segmentX1, segmentY1, segmentX2, segmentY2, pX, pY, &qX, &qY );
    printf( "line segment = ( ( %f, %f ), ( %f, %f ) ), p = ( %f, %f ), distance = %f, q = ( %f, %f )\n",
            segmentX1, segmentY1, segmentX2, segmentY2, pX, pY, d, qX, qY );

void TestDistanceFromLineSegmentToPoint()
    TestDistanceFromLineSegmentToPoint( 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0 );
    TestDistanceFromLineSegmentToPoint( 0, 0, 20, 10, 5, 4 );
    TestDistanceFromLineSegmentToPoint( 0, 0, 20, 10, 30, 15 );
    TestDistanceFromLineSegmentToPoint( 0, 0, 20, 10, -30, 15 );
    TestDistanceFromLineSegmentToPoint( 0, 0, 10, 0, 5, 1 );
    TestDistanceFromLineSegmentToPoint( 0, 0, 0, 10, 1, 5 );
M Katz


アイデアはAを(0、0)に移動し、三角形を時計回りに回転させて_ c _にすることです。 これが起こると、X軸上に横たわり、までの距離になります。

  1. 角度= Atan(Cy - Ay、Cx - Ax);
  2. b angle = Atan(By - Ay、Bx - Ax);
  3. AB長= Sqrt((Bx - Ax)^ 2 +(By - Ay)^ 2)
  4. By = Sin(bAngle - aAngle)* AB長さ


public double Distance(Point a, Point b, Point c)
    // normalize points
    Point cn = new Point(c.X - a.X, c.Y - a.Y);
    Point bn = new Point(b.X - a.X, b.Y - a.Y);

    double angle = Math.Atan2(bn.Y, bn.X) - Math.Atan2(cn.Y, cn.X);
    double abLength = Math.Sqrt(bn.X*bn.X + bn.Y*bn.Y);

    return Math.Sin(angle)*abLength;


double distance = Math.Sin(Math.Atan2(b.Y - a.Y, b.X - a.X) - Math.Atan2(c.Y - a.Y, c.X - a.X)) * Math.Sqrt((b.X - a.X) * (b.X - a.X) + (b.Y - a.Y) * (b.Y - a.Y))

上記のGrumdrigの回答に対するこの修正を検討してください。多くの場合、浮動小数点の不正確さが問題を引き起こす可能性があることに気付くでしょう。私は下のバージョンで倍精度を使用していますが、あなたは簡単にフロートに変更することができます。重要な部分は、「スロップ」を処理するためにイプシロンを使用することです。さらに、交差がどこで発生したのか、またはそれがまったく発生したのかを知りたいことが何度もあります。返されたtが<0.0または> 1.0の場合、衝突は発生しませんでした。ただし、衝突が発生しなくても、セグメント上のPに最も近い点がどこにあるかを知りたい場合が多いので、この場所を返すにはqxとqyを使用します。

double PointSegmentDistanceSquared( double px, double py,
                                    double p1x, double p1y,
                                    double p2x, double p2y,
                                    double& t,
                                    double& qx, double& qy)
    static const double kMinSegmentLenSquared = 0.00000001;  // adjust to suit.  If you use float, you'll probably want something like 0.000001f
    static const double kEpsilon = 1.0E-14;  // adjust to suit.  If you use floats, you'll probably want something like 1E-7f
    double dx = p2x - p1x;
    double dy = p2y - p1y;
    double dp1x = px - p1x;
    double dp1y = py - p1y;
    const double segLenSquared = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
    if (segLenSquared >= -kMinSegmentLenSquared && segLenSquared <= kMinSegmentLenSquared)
        // segment is a point.
        qx = p1x;
        qy = p1y;
        t = 0.0;
        return ((dp1x * dp1x) + (dp1y * dp1y));
        // Project a line from p to the segment [p1,p2].  By considering the line
        // extending the segment, parameterized as p1 + (t * (p2 - p1)),
        // we find projection of point p onto the line. 
        // It falls where t = [(p - p1) . (p2 - p1)] / |p2 - p1|^2
        t = ((dp1x * dx) + (dp1y * dy)) / segLenSquared;
        if (t < kEpsilon)
            // intersects at or to the "left" of first segment vertex (p1x, p1y).  If t is approximately 0.0, then
            // intersection is at p1.  If t is less than that, then there is no intersection (i.e. p is not within
            // the 'bounds' of the segment)
            if (t > -kEpsilon)
                // intersects at 1st segment vertex
                t = 0.0;
            // set our 'intersection' point to p1.
            qx = p1x;
            qy = p1y;
            // Note: If you wanted the ACTUAL intersection point of where the projected lines would intersect if
            // we were doing PointLineDistanceSquared, then qx would be (p1x + (t * dx)) and qy would be (p1y + (t * dy)).
        else if (t > (1.0 - kEpsilon))
            // intersects at or to the "right" of second segment vertex (p2x, p2y).  If t is approximately 1.0, then
            // intersection is at p2.  If t is greater than that, then there is no intersection (i.e. p is not within
            // the 'bounds' of the segment)
            if (t < (1.0 + kEpsilon))
                // intersects at 2nd segment vertex
                t = 1.0;
            // set our 'intersection' point to p2.
            qx = p2x;
            qy = p2y;
            // Note: If you wanted the ACTUAL intersection point of where the projected lines would intersect if
            // we were doing PointLineDistanceSquared, then qx would be (p1x + (t * dx)) and qy would be (p1y + (t * dy)).
            // The projection of the point to the point on the segment that is perpendicular succeeded and the point
            // is 'within' the bounds of the segment.  Set the intersection point as that projected point.
            qx = p1x + (t * dx);
            qy = p1y + (t * dy);
        // return the squared distance from p to the intersection point.  Note that we return the squared distance
        // as an optimization because many times you just need to compare relative distances and the squared values
        // works fine for that.  If you want the ACTUAL distance, just take the square root of this value.
        double dpqx = px - qx;
        double dpqy = py - qy;
        return ((dpqx * dpqx) + (dpqy * dpqy));

点と線分の間の距離が最短になります。これを行うには、あなたはあなたの点を通る線分(lineB)に垂直な線(lineA)を見つけ、その線(lineA)とあなたの線分(lineB)を通る線との交点を決める必要があります。 ;その点が線分の2つの点の間にある場合、距離は自分の点とちょうど見つけた点の間の距離で、これはlineAとlineBの交点です。点が線分の2点の間にない場合は、点と線分の2つの端の間の距離を取得する必要があります。これは、点と線分の2点間の平方距離(平方根を避けるため)を取ることで簡単に行えます。どちらか近い方、その平方根を取りなさい。

Paul Sonier


function r = distPointToLineSegment( xy0, xy1, xyP )
% r = distPointToLineSegment( xy0, xy1, xyP )

if( nargin < 3 )
    vx = xy0(1)-xyP(1);
    vy = xy0(2)-xyP(2);
    ux = xy1(1)-xy0(1);
    uy = xy1(2)-xy0(2);
    lenSqr= (ux*ux+uy*uy);
    detP= -vx*ux + -vy*uy;

    if( detP < 0 )
        r = norm(xy0-xyP,2);
    elseif( detP > lenSqr )
        r = norm(xy1-xyP,2);
        r = abs(ux*vy-uy*vx)/sqrt(lenSqr);

    function selfTest()
        disp(['invalid args, distPointToLineSegment running (recursive)  self-test...']);

        ptA = [1;1]; ptB = [-1;-1];
        ptC = [1/2;1/2];  % on the line
        ptD = [-2;-1.5];  % too far from line segment
        ptE = [1/2;0];    % should be same as perpendicular distance to line
        ptF = [1.5;1.5];      % along the A-B but outside of the segment

        distCtoAB = distPointToLineSegment(ptA,ptB,ptC)
        distDtoAB = distPointToLineSegment(ptA,ptB,ptD)
        distEtoAB = distPointToLineSegment(ptA,ptB,ptE)
        distFtoAB = distPointToLineSegment(ptA,ptB,ptF)
        figure(1); clf;
        circle = @(x, y, r, c) rectangle('Position', [x-r, y-r, 2*r, 2*r], ...
            'Curvature', [1 1], 'EdgeColor', c);
        plot([ptA(1) ptB(1)],[ptA(2) ptB(2)],'r-x'); hold on;
        plot(ptC(1),ptC(2),'b+'); circle(ptC(1),ptC(2), 0.5e-1, 'b');
        plot(ptD(1),ptD(2),'g+'); circle(ptD(1),ptD(2), distDtoAB, 'g');
        plot(ptE(1),ptE(2),'k+'); circle(ptE(1),ptE(2), distEtoAB, 'k');
        plot(ptF(1),ptF(2),'m+'); circle(ptF(1),ptF(2), distFtoAB, 'm');
        hold off;
        axis([-3 3 -3 3]); axis equal;

peter karasev

GrumdrigのC++/JavaScript実装は私にとって非常に役に立ちました。そこで私は私が使っているPython直接ポートを提供しました。完全なコードは ここ です。

class Point(object):
  def __init__(self, x, y):
    self.x = float(x)
    self.y = float(y)

def square(x):
  return x * x

def distance_squared(v, w):
  return square(v.x - w.x) + square(v.y - w.y)

def distance_point_segment_squared(p, v, w):
  # Segment length squared, |w-v|^2
  d2 = distance_squared(v, w) 
  if d2 == 0: 
    # v == w, return distance to v
    return distance_squared(p, v)
  # Consider the line extending the segment, parameterized as v + t (w - v).
  # We find projection of point p onto the line.
  # It falls where t = [(p-v) . (w-v)] / |w-v|^2
  t = ((p.x - v.x) * (w.x - v.x) + (p.y - v.y) * (w.y - v.y)) / d2;
  if t < 0:
    # Beyond v end of the segment
    return distance_squared(p, v)
  Elif t > 1.0:
    # Beyond w end of the segment
    return distance_squared(p, w)
    # Projection falls on the segment.
    proj = Point(v.x + t * (w.x - v.x), v.y + t * (w.y - v.y))
    # print proj.x, proj.y
    return distance_squared(p, proj)



create function fn_sqr (@NumberToSquare decimal(18,10)) 
returns decimal(18,10)
    declare @Result decimal(18,10)
    set @Result = @NumberToSquare * @NumberToSquare
    return @Result

create function fn_Distance(@ax decimal (18,10) , @ay decimal (18,10), @bx decimal(18,10),  @by decimal(18,10)) 
returns decimal(18,10)
    declare @Result decimal(18,10)
    set @Result = (select dbo.fn_sqr(@ax - @bx) + dbo.fn_sqr(@ay - @by) )
    return @Result

create function fn_DistanceToSegmentSquared(@px decimal(18,10), @py decimal(18,10), @ax decimal(18,10), @ay decimal(18,10), @bx decimal(18,10), @by decimal(18,10)) 
returns decimal(18,10)
    declare @l2 decimal(18,10)
    set @l2 = (select dbo.fn_Distance(@ax, @ay, @bx, @by))
    if @l2 = 0
        return dbo.fn_Distance(@px, @py, @ax, @ay)
    declare @t decimal(18,10)
    set @t = ((@px - @ax) * (@bx - @ax) + (@py - @ay) * (@by - @ay)) / @l2
    if (@t < 0) 
        return dbo.fn_Distance(@px, @py, @ax, @ay);
    if (@t > 1) 
        return dbo.fn_Distance(@px, @py, @bx, @by);
    return dbo.fn_Distance(@px, @py,  @ax + @t * (@bx - @ax),  @ay + @t * (@by - @ay))

create function fn_DistanceToSegment(@px decimal(18,10), @py decimal(18,10), @ax decimal(18,10), @ay decimal(18,10), @bx decimal(18,10), @by decimal(18,10)) 
returns decimal(18,10)
    return sqrt(dbo.fn_DistanceToSegmentSquared(@px, @py , @ax , @ay , @bx , @by ))

--example execution for distance from a point at (6,1) to line segment that runs from (4,2) to (2,1)
select dbo.fn_DistanceToSegment(6, 1, 4, 2, 2, 1) 
--result = 2.2360679775

--example execution for distance from a point at (-3,-2) to line segment that runs from (0,-2) to (-2,1)
select dbo.fn_DistanceToSegment(-3, -2, 0, -2, -2, 1) 
--result = 2.4961508830

--example execution for distance from a point at (0,-2) to line segment that runs from (0,-2) to (-2,1)
select dbo.fn_DistanceToSegment(0,-2, 0, -2, -2, 1) 
--result = 0.0000000000
rob mcnicol

StackOverflowの他のすべての人が答えを出しているのと同じように見えます(これまでに23の答えがありました)ので、ここにC#への私の貢献があります。これは、ほとんどがM. Katzによる回答に基づいており、その回答はGrumdrigによる回答に基づいています。

   public struct MyVector
      private readonly double _x, _y;

      // Constructor
      public MyVector(double x, double y)
         _x = x;
         _y = y;

      // Distance from this point to another point, squared
      private double DistanceSquared(MyVector otherPoint)
         double dx = otherPoint._x - this._x;
         double dy = otherPoint._y - this._y;
         return dx * dx + dy * dy;

      // Find the distance from this point to a line segment (which is not the same as from this 
      //  point to anywhere on an infinite line). Also returns the closest point.
      public double DistanceToLineSegment(MyVector lineSegmentPoint1, MyVector lineSegmentPoint2,
                                          out MyVector closestPoint)
         return Math.Sqrt(DistanceToLineSegmentSquared(lineSegmentPoint1, lineSegmentPoint2, 
                          out closestPoint));

      // Same as above, but avoid using Sqrt(), saves a new nanoseconds in cases where you only want 
      //  to compare several distances to find the smallest or largest, but don't need the distance
      public double DistanceToLineSegmentSquared(MyVector lineSegmentPoint1, 
                                              MyVector lineSegmentPoint2, out MyVector closestPoint)
         // Compute length of line segment (squared) and handle special case of coincident points
         double segmentLengthSquared = lineSegmentPoint1.DistanceSquared(lineSegmentPoint2);
         if (segmentLengthSquared < 1E-7f)  // Arbitrary "close enough for government work" value
            closestPoint = lineSegmentPoint1;
            return this.DistanceSquared(closestPoint);

         // Use the magic formula to compute the "projection" of this point on the infinite line
         MyVector lineSegment = lineSegmentPoint2 - lineSegmentPoint1;
         double t = (this - lineSegmentPoint1).DotProduct(lineSegment) / segmentLengthSquared;

         // Handle the two cases where the projection is not on the line segment, and the case where 
         //  the projection is on the segment
         if (t <= 0)
            closestPoint = lineSegmentPoint1;
         else if (t >= 1)
            closestPoint = lineSegmentPoint2;
            closestPoint = lineSegmentPoint1 + (lineSegment * t);
         return this.DistanceSquared(closestPoint);

      public double DotProduct(MyVector otherVector)
         return this._x * otherVector._x + this._y * otherVector._y;

      public static MyVector operator +(MyVector leftVector, MyVector rightVector)
         return new MyVector(leftVector._x + rightVector._x, leftVector._y + rightVector._y);

      public static MyVector operator -(MyVector leftVector, MyVector rightVector)
         return new MyVector(leftVector._x - rightVector._x, leftVector._y - rightVector._y);

      public static MyVector operator *(MyVector aVector, double aScalar)
         return new MyVector(aVector._x * aScalar, aVector._y * aScalar);

      // Added using ReSharper due to CodeAnalysis nagging

      public bool Equals(MyVector other)
         return _x.Equals(other._x) && _y.Equals(other._y);

      public override bool Equals(object obj)
         if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;
         return obj is MyVector && Equals((MyVector) obj);

      public override int GetHashCode()
            return (_x.GetHashCode()*397) ^ _y.GetHashCode();

      public static bool operator ==(MyVector left, MyVector right)
         return left.Equals(right);

      public static bool operator !=(MyVector left, MyVector right)
         return !left.Equals(right);


   public static class JustTesting
      public static void Main()
         Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

         for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)
            TestIt(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0.70710678118654757);
            TestIt(5, 4, 0, 0, 20, 10, 1.3416407864998738);
            TestIt(30, 15, 0, 0, 20, 10, 11.180339887498949);
            TestIt(-30, 15, 0, 0, 20, 10, 33.541019662496844);
            TestIt(5, 1, 0, 0, 10, 0, 1.0);
            TestIt(1, 5, 0, 0, 0, 10, 1.0);

         TimeSpan timeSpan = stopwatch.Elapsed;

      private static void TestIt(float aPointX, float aPointY, 
                                 float lineSegmentPoint1X, float lineSegmentPoint1Y, 
                                 float lineSegmentPoint2X, float lineSegmentPoint2Y, 
                                 double expectedAnswer)
         // Katz
         double d1 = DistanceFromPointToLineSegment(new MyVector(aPointX, aPointY), 
                                              new MyVector(lineSegmentPoint1X, lineSegmentPoint1Y), 
                                              new MyVector(lineSegmentPoint2X, lineSegmentPoint2Y));
         Debug.Assert(d1 == expectedAnswer);

         // Katz using squared distance
         double d2 = DistanceFromPointToLineSegmentSquared(new MyVector(aPointX, aPointY), 
                                              new MyVector(lineSegmentPoint1X, lineSegmentPoint1Y), 
                                              new MyVector(lineSegmentPoint2X, lineSegmentPoint2Y));
         Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(d2 - expectedAnswer * expectedAnswer) < 1E-7f);

         // Matti (optimized)
         double d3 = FloatVector.DistanceToLineSegment(new PointF(aPointX, aPointY), 
                                                new PointF(lineSegmentPoint1X, lineSegmentPoint1Y), 
                                                new PointF(lineSegmentPoint2X, lineSegmentPoint2Y));
         Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(d3 - expectedAnswer) < 1E-7f);

      private static double DistanceFromPointToLineSegment(MyVector aPoint, 
                                             MyVector lineSegmentPoint1, MyVector lineSegmentPoint2)
         MyVector closestPoint;  // Not used
         return aPoint.DistanceToLineSegment(lineSegmentPoint1, lineSegmentPoint2, 
                                             out closestPoint);

      private static double DistanceFromPointToLineSegmentSquared(MyVector aPoint, 
                                             MyVector lineSegmentPoint1, MyVector lineSegmentPoint2)
         MyVector closestPoint;  // Not used
         return aPoint.DistanceToLineSegmentSquared(lineSegmentPoint1, lineSegmentPoint2, 
                                                    out closestPoint);

ご覧のとおり、Sqrt()メソッドを使用しないバージョンと通常のバージョンの違いを測定してみました。私のテストでは、約2.5%節約できるかもしれないことがわかりましたが、それでも確信が持てません - さまざまなテストの実行におけるばらつきは、同じ程度の大きさでした。私はまたMattiによって投稿されたバージョン(プラス明らかな最適化)を測定しようと試みました、そしてそのバージョンはKatz/Grumdrigコードに基づいたバージョンより約4%遅いようです。






コードはlibからのものです http://www.draw2d.org/graphiti/jsdoc/#!/example

 * Static util function to determine is a point(px,py) on the line(x1,y1,x2,y2)
 * A simple hit test.
 * @return {boolean}
 * @static
 * @private
 * @param {Number} coronaWidth the accepted corona for the hit test
 * @param {Number} X1 x coordinate of the start point of the line
 * @param {Number} Y1 y coordinate of the start point of the line
 * @param {Number} X2 x coordinate of the end point of the line
 * @param {Number} Y2 y coordinate of the end point of the line
 * @param {Number} px x coordinate of the point to test
 * @param {Number} py y coordinate of the point to test
graphiti.shape.basic.Line.hit= function( coronaWidth, X1, Y1,  X2,  Y2, px, py)
  // Adjust vectors relative to X1,Y1
  // X2,Y2 becomes relative vector from X1,Y1 to end of segment
  X2 -= X1;
  Y2 -= Y1;
  // px,py becomes relative vector from X1,Y1 to test point
  px -= X1;
  py -= Y1;
  var dotprod = px * X2 + py * Y2;
  var projlenSq;
  if (dotprod <= 0.0) {
      // px,py is on the side of X1,Y1 away from X2,Y2
      // distance to segment is length of px,py vector
      // "length of its (clipped) projection" is now 0.0
      projlenSq = 0.0;
  } else {
      // switch to backwards vectors relative to X2,Y2
      // X2,Y2 are already the negative of X1,Y1=>X2,Y2
      // to get px,py to be the negative of px,py=>X2,Y2
      // the dot product of two negated vectors is the same
      // as the dot product of the two normal vectors
      px = X2 - px;
      py = Y2 - py;
      dotprod = px * X2 + py * Y2;
      if (dotprod <= 0.0) {
          // px,py is on the side of X2,Y2 away from X1,Y1
          // distance to segment is length of (backwards) px,py vector
          // "length of its (clipped) projection" is now 0.0
          projlenSq = 0.0;
      } else {
          // px,py is between X1,Y1 and X2,Y2
          // dotprod is the length of the px,py vector
          // projected on the X2,Y2=>X1,Y1 vector times the
          // length of the X2,Y2=>X1,Y1 vector
          projlenSq = dotprod * dotprod / (X2 * X2 + Y2 * Y2);
    // Distance to line is now the length of the relative point
    // vector minus the length of its projection onto the line
    // (which is zero if the projection falls outside the range
    //  of the line segment).
    var lenSq = px * px + py * py - projlenSq;
    if (lenSq < 0) {
        lenSq = 0;
    return Math.sqrt(lenSq)<coronaWidth;


public static bool PointSegmentDistanceSquared(PointF point, PointF lineStart, PointF lineEnd, out double distance, out PointF intersectPoint)
    const double kMinSegmentLenSquared = 0.00000001; // adjust to suit.  If you use float, you'll probably want something like 0.000001f
    const double kEpsilon = 1.0E-14; // adjust to suit.  If you use floats, you'll probably want something like 1E-7f
    double dX = lineEnd.X - lineStart.X;
    double dY = lineEnd.Y - lineStart.Y;
    double dp1X = point.X - lineStart.X;
    double dp1Y = point.Y - lineStart.Y;
    double segLenSquared = (dX * dX) + (dY * dY);
    double t = 0.0;

    if (segLenSquared >= -kMinSegmentLenSquared && segLenSquared <= kMinSegmentLenSquared)
        // segment is a point.
        intersectPoint = lineStart;
        t = 0.0;
        distance = ((dp1X * dp1X) + (dp1Y * dp1Y));
        // Project a line from p to the segment [p1,p2].  By considering the line
        // extending the segment, parameterized as p1 + (t * (p2 - p1)),
        // we find projection of point p onto the line. 
        // It falls where t = [(p - p1) . (p2 - p1)] / |p2 - p1|^2
        t = ((dp1X * dX) + (dp1Y * dY)) / segLenSquared;
        if (t < kEpsilon)
            // intersects at or to the "left" of first segment vertex (lineStart.X, lineStart.Y).  If t is approximately 0.0, then
            // intersection is at p1.  If t is less than that, then there is no intersection (i.e. p is not within
            // the 'bounds' of the segment)
            if (t > -kEpsilon)
                // intersects at 1st segment vertex
                t = 0.0;
            // set our 'intersection' point to p1.
            intersectPoint = lineStart;
            // Note: If you wanted the ACTUAL intersection point of where the projected lines would intersect if
            // we were doing PointLineDistanceSquared, then intersectPoint.X would be (lineStart.X + (t * dx)) and intersectPoint.Y would be (lineStart.Y + (t * dy)).
        else if (t > (1.0 - kEpsilon))
            // intersects at or to the "right" of second segment vertex (lineEnd.X, lineEnd.Y).  If t is approximately 1.0, then
            // intersection is at p2.  If t is greater than that, then there is no intersection (i.e. p is not within
            // the 'bounds' of the segment)
            if (t < (1.0 + kEpsilon))
                // intersects at 2nd segment vertex
                t = 1.0;
            // set our 'intersection' point to p2.
            intersectPoint = lineEnd;
            // Note: If you wanted the ACTUAL intersection point of where the projected lines would intersect if
            // we were doing PointLineDistanceSquared, then intersectPoint.X would be (lineStart.X + (t * dx)) and intersectPoint.Y would be (lineStart.Y + (t * dy)).
            // The projection of the point to the point on the segment that is perpendicular succeeded and the point
            // is 'within' the bounds of the segment.  Set the intersection point as that projected point.
            intersectPoint = new PointF((float)(lineStart.X + (t * dX)), (float)(lineStart.Y + (t * dY)));
        // return the squared distance from p to the intersection point.  Note that we return the squared distance
        // as an optimization because many times you just need to compare relative distances and the squared values
        // works fine for that.  If you want the ACTUAL distance, just take the square root of this value.
        double dpqX = point.X - intersectPoint.X;
        double dpqY = point.Y - intersectPoint.Y;

        distance = ((dpqX * dpqX) + (dpqY * dpqY));

    return true;


plDist(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
    A:= x - x1
    B:= y - y1
    C:= x2 - x1
    D:= y2 - y1

    dot:= A*C + B*D
    sqLen:= C*C + D*D
    param:= dot / sqLen

    if (param < 0 || ((x1 = x2) && (y1 = y2))) {
        xx:= x1
        yy:= y1
    } else if (param > 1) {
        xx:= x2
        yy:= y2
    } else {
        xx:= x1 + param*C
        yy:= y1 + param*D

    dx:= x - xx
    dy:= y - yy

    return sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)


@ Grumdrig からの適応

public static double MinimumDistanceToLineSegment(this Point p,
    Line line)
    var v = line.StartPoint;
    var w = line.EndPoint;

    double lengthSquared = DistanceSquared(v, w);

    if (lengthSquared == 0.0)
        return Distance(p, v);

    double t = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(1, DotProduct(p - v, w - v) / lengthSquared));
    var projection = v + t * (w - v);

    return Distance(p, projection);

public static double Distance(Point a, Point b)
    return Math.Sqrt(DistanceSquared(a, b));

public static double DistanceSquared(Point a, Point b)
    var d = a - b;
    return DotProduct(d, d);

public static double DotProduct(Point a, Point b)
    return (a.X * b.X) + (a.Y * b.Y);
Mateen Ulhaq


static double sqr(double x) {
    return x * x;
static double dist2(DoublePoint v, DoublePoint w) {
    return sqr(v.x - w.x) + sqr(v.y - w.y);
static double distToSegmentSquared(DoublePoint p, DoublePoint v, DoublePoint w) {
    double l2 = dist2(v, w);
    if (l2 == 0) return dist2(p, v);
    double t = ((p.x - v.x) * (w.x - v.x) + (p.y - v.y) * (w.y - v.y)) / l2;
    if (t < 0) return dist2(p, v);
    if (t > 1) return dist2(p, w);
    return dist2(p, new DoublePoint(
            v.x + t * (w.x - v.x),
            v.y + t * (w.y - v.y)
static double distToSegment(DoublePoint p, DoublePoint v, DoublePoint w) {
    return Math.sqrt(distToSegmentSquared(p, v, w));
static class DoublePoint {
    public double x;
    public double y;

    public DoublePoint(double x, double y) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
Yury Fedorov

次のWebサイトのMatlab GEOMETRYツールボックスを参照してください。 http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/m_src/geometry/geometry.html

線分関連の関数を見つけるには、ctrl + fと入力して「segment」と入力します。関数 "segment_point_dist_2d.m"と "segment_point_dist_3d.m"が必要なものです。




public class LineSegment
    private readonly Vector _offset;
    private readonly Vector _vector;

    public LineSegment(Point start, Point end)
        _offset = (Vector)start;
        _vector = (Vector)(end - _offset);

    public double DistanceTo(Point pt)
        var v = (Vector)pt - _offset;

        // first, find a projection point on the segment in parametric form (0..1)
        var p = (v * _vector) / _vector.LengthSquared;

        // and limit it so it lays inside the segment
        p = Math.Min(Math.Max(p, 0), 1);

        // now, find the distance from that point to our point
        return (_vector * p - v).Length;


    /* Distance from a point (p1) to line l1 l2 */
func distanceFromPoint(p: CGPoint, toLineSegment l1: CGPoint, and l2: CGPoint) -> CGFloat {
    let A = p.x - l1.x
    let B = p.y - l1.y
    let C = l2.x - l1.x
    let D = l2.y - l1.y

    let dot = A * C + B * D
    let len_sq = C * C + D * D
    let param = dot / len_sq

    var xx, yy: CGFloat

    if param < 0 || (l1.x == l2.x && l1.y == l2.y) {
        xx = l1.x
        yy = l1.y
    } else if param > 1 {
        xx = l2.x
        yy = l2.y
    } else {
        xx = l1.x + param * C
        yy = l1.y + param * D

    let dx = p.x - xx
    let dy = p.y - yy

    return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)


線分が(0, 0, 0)-(d, 0, 0)、点が(u, v, 0)になるように基底の変更を考えてみましょう。最短距離はその平面内で発生し、次式で与えられます。

    u ≤ 0 -> d(A, C)
0 ≤ u ≤ d -> |v|
d ≤ u     -> d(B, C)


enter image description here

上式において、dは線分ABの長さであり、u、vはそれぞれAB / d(AB方向の単位ベクトル)とACのスカラ積と(の係数)外積である。それゆえベクトル的に、

AB.AC ≤ 0             -> |AC|
    0 ≤ AB.AC ≤ AB²   -> |ABxAC|/|AB|
          AB² ≤ AB.AC -> |BC|
Yves Daoust

2D座標配列に対するPython Numpyの実装:

import numpy as np

def dist2d(p1, p2, coords):
    ''' Distance from points to a finite line btwn p1 -> p2 '''
    assert coords.ndim == 2 and coords.shape[1] == 2, 'coords is not 2 dim'
    dp = p2 - p1
    st = dp[0]**2 + dp[1]**2
    u = ((coords[:, 0] - p1[0]) * dp[0] + (coords[:, 1] - p1[1]) * dp[1]) / st

    u[u > 1.] = 1.
    u[u < 0.] = 0.

    dx = (p1[0] + u * dp[0]) - coords[:, 0]
    dy = (p1[1] + u * dp[1]) - coords[:, 1]

    return np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)

# Usage:
p1 = np.array([0., 0.])
p2 = np.array([0., 10.])

# List of coordinates
coords = np.array(
    [[0., 0.],
     [5., 5.],
     [10., 10.],
     [20., 20.]

d = dist2d(p1, p2, coords)

# Single coordinate
coord = np.array([25., 25.])
d = dist2d(p1, p2, coord[np.newaxis, :])

これが私が書いたコードです。このコードは、ポイントが{x:5, y:7}の形式で定義されていることを前提としています。これは絶対的な最も効率的な方法ではないことに注意してください、しかしそれは私が思い付くことができる最も単純で最も理解しやすいコードです。

// a, b, and c in the code below are all points

function distance(a, b)
    var dx = a.x - b.x;
    var dy = a.y - b.y;
    return Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);

function Segment(a, b)
    var ab = {
        x: b.x - a.x,
        y: b.y - a.y
    var length = distance(a, b);

    function cross(c) {
        return ab.x * (c.y-a.y) - ab.y * (c.x-a.x);

    this.distanceFrom = function(c) {
        return Math.min(distance(a,c),
                        Math.abs(cross(c) / length));
Eli Courtwright

上記の機能は垂直線では機能しません。これは正常に機能している関数です。点p 1、p 2で線を引く。そしてCheckPointはpです。

public float DistanceOfPointToLine2(PointF p1, PointF p2, PointF p)
  //          (y1-y2)x + (x2-x1)y + (x1y2-x2y1)
  //d(P,L) = --------------------------------
  //         sqrt( (x2-x1)pow2 + (y2-y1)pow2 )

  double ch = (p1.Y - p2.Y) * p.X + (p2.X - p1.X) * p.Y + (p1.X * p2.Y - p2.X * p1.Y);
  double del = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(p2.X - p1.X, 2) + Math.Pow(p2.Y - p1.Y, 2));
  double d = ch / del;
  return (float)d;


Double Distance(Point a, Point b)
    double xdiff = a.X - b.X, ydiff = a.Y - b.Y;
    return Math.Sqrt((long)xdiff * xdiff + (long)ydiff * ydiff);

Boolean IsBetween(double x, double a, double b)
    return ((a <= b && x >= a && x <= b) || (a > b && x <= a && x >= b));

Double GetDistance(Point pt, Point pt1, Point pt2, out Point intersection)
    Double a, x, y, R;

    if (pt1.X != pt2.X) {
        a = (double)(pt2.Y - pt1.Y) / (pt2.X - pt1.X);
        x = (a * (pt.Y - pt1.Y) + a * a * pt1.X + pt.X) / (a * a + 1);
        y = a * x + pt1.Y - a * pt1.X; }
    else { x = pt1.X;  y = pt.Y; }

    if (IsBetween(x, pt1.X, pt2.X) && IsBetween(y, pt1.Y, pt2.Y)) {
        intersection = new Point((int)x, (int)y);
        R = Distance(intersection, pt); }
    else {
        double d1 = Distance(pt, pt1), d2 = Distance(pt, pt2);
        if (d1 < d2) { intersection = pt1; R = d1; }
        else { intersection = pt2; R = d2; }}

    return R;
%Matlab solution by Tim from Cody
function ans=distP2S(x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2)
% Point is x0,y0
Richard Z



赤の点はA、緑の点はB、点Cは青です。グラフ内の点をドラッグすると、値が変化します。左側では、値「s」は線分のパラメータである(すなわち、s = 0は点Aを意味し、s = 1は点Bを意味する)。値 'd'は、3番目の点からAとBを通る線までの距離です。




これはC++の答えと同じものですが、Pascalに移植されています。 pointパラメータの順序は私のコードに合うように変更されましたが、同じことです。

function Dot(const p1, p2: PointF): double;
  Result := p1.x * p2.x + p1.y * p2.y;
function SubPoint(const p1, p2: PointF): PointF;
  result.x := p1.x - p2.x;
  result.y := p1.y - p2.y;

function ShortestDistance2(const p,v,w : PointF) : double;
  l2,t : double;
  projection,tt: PointF;
  // Return minimum distance between line segment vw and point p
  //l2 := length_squared(v, w);  // i.e. |w-v|^2 -  avoid a sqrt
  l2 := Distance(v,w);
  l2 := MPower(l2,2);
  if (l2 = 0.0) then begin
    result:= Distance(p, v);   // v == w case
  // Consider the line extending the segment, parameterized as v + t (w - v).
  // We find projection of point p onto the line.
  // It falls where t = [(p-v) . (w-v)] / |w-v|^2
  t := Dot(SubPoint(p,v),SubPoint(w,v)) / l2;
  if (t < 0.0) then begin
    result := Distance(p, v);       // Beyond the 'v' end of the segment
  else if (t > 1.0) then begin
    result := Distance(p, w);  // Beyond the 'w' end of the segment
  //projection := v + t * (w - v);  // Projection falls on the segment
  tt.x := v.x + t * (w.x - v.x);
  tt.y := v.y + t * (w.y - v.y);
  result := Distance(p, tt);

これに基づいてJavaScriptで少しきれいなソリューション : enter image description here

distToSegment: function (point, linePointA, linePointB){

    var x0 = point.X;
    var y0 = point.Y;

    var x1 = linePointA.X;
    var y1 = linePointA.Y;

    var x2 = linePointB.X;
    var y2 = linePointB.Y;

    var Dx = (x2 - x1);
    var Dy = (y2 - y1);

    var numerator = Math.abs(Dy*x0 - Dx*y0 - x1*y2 + x2*y1);
    var denominator = Math.sqrt(Dx*Dx + Dy*Dy);
    if (denominator == 0) {
        return this.dist2(point, linePointA);

    return numerator/denominator;

Marko Letic


def dist(x1,y1,x2,y2,px,py):
    a = np.array([[x1,y1]]).T
    b = np.array([[x2,y2]]).T
    x = np.array([[px,py]]).T
    tp = (np.dot(x.T, b) - np.dot(a.T, b)) / np.dot(b.T, b)
    tp = tp[0][0]
    tmp = x - (a + tp*b)
    d = np.sqrt(np.dot(tmp.T,tmp)[0][0])
    return d, a+tp*b


d, inters = dist(x1,y1, x2,y2, px,py)
print (d)
print (inters)






ちょうどこれに遭遇し、私はLuaの実装を追加すると思いました。ポイントはテーブル{x = xVal、y = yVal}として与えられ、ラインまたはセグメントは2つのポイントを含むテーブルによって与えられると仮定します(以下の例を参照)。

function distance( P1, P2 )
    return math.sqrt((P1.x-P2.x)^2 + (P1.y-P2.y)^2)

-- Returns false if the point lies beyond the reaches of the segment
function distPointToSegment( line, P )
    if line[1].x == line[2].x and line[1].y == line[2].y then
        print("Error: Not a line!")
        return false

    local d = distance( line[1], line[2] )

    local t = ((P.x - line[1].x)*(line[2].x - line[1].x) + (P.y - line[1].y)*(line[2].y - line[1].y))/(d^2)

    local projection = {}
    projection.x = line[1].x + t*(line[2].x-line[1].x)
    projection.y = line[1].y + t*(line[2].y-line[1].y)

    if t >= 0 and t <= 1 then   -- within line segment?
        return distance( projection, {x=P.x, y=P.y} )
        return false

-- Returns value even if point is further down the line (outside segment)
function distPointToLine( line, P )
    if line[1].x == line[2].x and line[1].y == line[2].y then
        print("Error: Not a line!")
        return false

    local d = distance( line[1], line[2] )

    local t = ((P.x - line[1].x)*(line[2].x - line[1].x) + (P.y - line[1].y)*(line[2].y - line[1].y))/(d^2)

    local projection = {}
    projection.x = line[1].x + t*(line[2].x-line[1].x)
    projection.y = line[1].y + t*(line[2].y-line[1].y)

    return distance( projection, {x=P.x, y=P.y} )


local P1 = {x = 0, y = 0}
local P2 = {x = 10, y = 10}
local line = { P1, P2 }
local P3 = {x = 7, y = 15}
print(distPointToLine( line, P3 ))  -- prints 5.6568542494924
print(distPointToSegment( line, P3 )) -- prints false

その線分ではなく無限の線なら、最も簡単な方法はこれです(Rubyでは)。ここでmx + bは線で、(x1、y1)は既知の点です。

(y1 - mx1 - b).abs / Math.sqrt(m**2 + 1)


var a = { x:20, y:20};//start segment    
var b = { x:40, y:30};//end segment   
var c = { x:37, y:14};//point   

// magnitude from a to c    
var ac = Math.sqrt( Math.pow( ( a.x - c.x ), 2 ) + Math.pow( ( a.y - c.y ), 2) );    
// magnitude from b to c   
var bc = Math.sqrt( Math.pow( ( b.x - c.x ), 2 ) + Math.pow( ( b.y - c.y ), 2 ) );    
// magnitude from a to b (base)     
var ab = Math.sqrt( Math.pow( ( a.x - b.x ), 2 ) + Math.pow( ( a.y - b.y ), 2 ) );    
 // perimeter of triangle     
var p = ac + bc + ab;    
 // area of the triangle    
var area = Math.sqrt( p/2 * ( p/2 - ac) * ( p/2 - bc ) * ( p/2 - ab ) );    
 // height of the triangle = distance    
var h = ( area * 2 ) / ab;    
console.log ("height: " + h);
Giuseppe Canale

GLSLでこれをしたかったのですが、可能であればこれらすべての条件付きを避けた方が良いです。 clamp()を使用すると、2つのエンドポイントのケースを回避できます。

// find closest point to P on line segment AB:
vec3 closest_point_on_line_segment(in vec3 P, in vec3 A, in vec3 B) {
    vec3 AP = P - A, AB = B - A;
    float l = dot(AB, AB);
    if (l <= 0.0000001) return A;    // A and B are practically the same
    return AP - AB*clamp(dot(AP, AB)/l, 0.0, 1.0);  // do the projection

AとBが互いに非常に近いことが絶対にないことが確実な場合は、if()を削除することでこれを単純化できます。実際、たとえAとBで同じであっても、私のGPUはこの無条件バージョンで正しい結果を与えますGLSLをゼロで割るOpenGL 4.1は未定義です。

// find closest point to P on line segment AB:
vec3 closest_point_on_line_segment(in vec3 P, in vec3 A, in vec3 B) {
    vec3 AP = P - A, AB = B - A;
    return AP - AB*clamp(dot(AP, AB)/dot(AB, AB), 0.0, 1.0);

距離を計算するのは簡単です - GLSLはdistance()関数を提供しています。この関数はこの最も近い点とPに対して使用できます。




     #distance beetween segment ab and point c in 2D space
getDistance_ort_2 <- function(a, b, c){
  #go to complex numbers

  #function to get coefficients of line (ab)
  getAlphaBeta <- function(A)
  { a<-Re(A[2])-Re(A[1])
    ab[1] <- -Re(A[1])*b/a+Im(A[1])
    ab[2] <-b/a
    if(Im(A[1])==Im(A[2])) ab<- c(Im(A[1]),0)
    if(Re(A[1])==Re(A[2])) ab <- NA

  #function to get coefficients of line ortogonal to line (ab) which goes through point q
  { ab <- getAlphaBeta(A) 
  if(Re(A[1])==Re(A[2])) coef<-c(Im(q),0)

  #function to get coordinates of interception point 
  #between line (ab) and its ortogonal which goes through point q
  getIntersection_ort <- function(A, q){
    A.ab <- getAlphaBeta(A)
    q.ab <- getAlphaBeta_ort(A,q)
    if (!is.na(A.ab[1])&A.ab[2]==0) {
    if (is.na(A.ab[1])) {
    if (!is.na(A.ab[1])&A.ab[2]!=0) {
      x <- (q.ab[1] - A.ab[1])/(A.ab[2] - q.ab[2])
      y <- q.ab[1] + q.ab[2]*x}
    xy <- x + 1i*y  

  if ((Mod(A[1]-intersect)+Mod(A[2]-intersect))>Mod(A[1]-A[2])) {dist<-min(Mod(A[1]-q),Mod(A[2]-q))
  } else dist<-Mod(q-intersect)
Anton Pletenev

これがJoshuaの上記の答えに基づいた自己完結型のDelphi/Pascalバージョンの関数です。 VCLの画面グラフィックにTPointを使用しますが、必要に応じて調整しやすいはずです。

function DistancePtToSegment( pt, pt1, pt2: TPoint): double;
   a, b, c, d: double;
   len_sq: double;
   param: double;
   xx, yy: double;
   dx, dy: double;
   a := pt.x - pt1.x;
   b := pt.y - pt1.y;
   c := pt2.x - pt1.x;
   d := pt2.y - pt1.y;

   len_sq := (c * c) + (d * d);
   param := -1;

   if (len_sq <> 0) then
      param := ((a * c) + (b * d)) / len_sq;

   if param < 0 then
      xx := pt1.x;
      yy := pt1.y;
   else if param > 1 then
      xx := pt2.x;
      yy := pt2.y;
   else begin
      xx := pt1.x + param * c;
      yy := pt1.y + param * d;

   dx := pt.x - xx;
   dy := pt.y - yy;
   result := sqrt( (dx * dx) + (dy * dy))

Visual Basicを除いて、 この回答 と同じです。 Microsoft ExcelおよびVBA /マクロでユーザー定義関数として使用できるようにします。

この関数は、点(x、y)から(x 1、y 1)および(x 2、y 2)で定義される線分までの最短距離を返します。

Function DistanceToSegment(x As Double, y As Double, x1 As Double, y1 As Double, x2 As Double, y2 As Double)

  Dim A As Double
  A = x - x1
  Dim B As Double
  B = y - y1
  Dim C  As Double
  C = x2 - x1
  Dim D As Double
  D = y2 - y1

  Dim dot As Double
  dot = A * C + B * D
  Dim len_sq As Double
  len_sq = C * C + D * D
  Dim param As Double
  param = -1

  If (len_sq <> 0) Then
      param = dot / len_sq
  End If

  Dim xx As Double
  Dim yy As Double

  If (param < 0) Then
    xx = x1
    yy = y1
  ElseIf (param > 1) Then
    xx = x2
    yy = y2
    xx = x1 + param * C
    yy = y1 + param * D
  End If

  Dim dx As Double
  dx = x - xx
  Dim dy As Double
  dy = y - yy

  DistanceToSegment = Math.Sqr(dx * dx + dy * dy)

End Function


// line (a -> b ) point p[enter image description here][1]
float distanceToLine(vec2 a, vec2 b, vec2 p) {
    float aside = dot((p - a),(b - a));
    if(aside< 0.0) return length(p-a);
    float bside = dot((p - b),(a - b));
    if(bside< 0.0) return length(p-b);
    vec2 pointOnLine = (bside*a + aside*b)/pow(length(a-b),2.0);
    return length(p - pointOnLine);
Johannes Beutel


function solveLinearEquation(A1,B1,C1,A2,B2,C2)
--it is the implitaion of a method of solving linear equations in x and y
  local f1 = B1*C2 -B2*C1
  local f2 = A2*C1-A1*C2
  local f3 = A1*B2 -A2*B1
  return {x= f1/f3, y= f2/f3}

function pointLiesOnLine(x,y,x1,y1,x2,y2)
  local dx1 = x-x1
  local  dy1 = y-y1
  local dx2 = x-x2
  local  dy2 = y-y2
  local crossProduct = dy1*dx2 -dx1*dy2

if crossProduct ~= 0  then  return  false
  if ((x1>=x) and (x>=x2)) or ((x2>=x) and (x>=x1)) then
    if ((y1>=y) and (y>=y2)) or ((y2>=y) and (y>=y1)) then
      return true
    else return false end
  else  return false end

function dist(x1,y1,x2,y2)
  local dx = x1-x2
  local dy = y1-y2
  return math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy* dy)

function findMinDistBetnPointAndLine(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3)
-- finds the min  distance between (x3,y3) and line (x1,y2)--(x2,y2)
   local A2,B2,C2,A1,B1,C1
   local dx = y2-y1
   local dy = x2-x1
   if dx == 0 then A2=1 B2=0 C2=-x3 A1=0 B1=1 C1=-y1 
   elseif dy == 0 then A2=0 B2=1 C2=-y3 A1=1 B1=0 C1=-x1
      local m1 = dy/dx
      local m2 = -1/m1
      A2=m2 B2=-1 C2=y3-m2*x3 A1=m1 B1=-1 C1=y1-m1*x1
 local intsecPoint= solveLinearEquation(A1,B1,C1,A2,B2,C2)
if pointLiesOnLine(intsecPoint.x, intsecPoint.y,x1,y1,x2,y2) then
   return dist(intsecPoint.x, intsecPoint.y, x3,y3)
   return math.min(dist(x3,y3,x1,y1),dist(x3,y3,x2,y2))
Singh Lalit

この答えは 受け入れられた答え のJavaScriptソリューションに基づいています。 ES6 + CoffeeScriptに含まれているため、主に長めの関数名と、もちろん短い関数構文で、見栄えがよくなりました。


distanceSquared = (v, w)=> Math.pow(v.x - w.x, 2) + Math.pow(v.y - w.y, 2);
distance = (v, w)=> Math.sqrt(distanceSquared(v, w));

distanceToLineSegmentSquared = (p, v, w)=> {
    l2 = distanceSquared(v, w);
    if (l2 === 0) {
        return distanceSquared(p, v);
    t = ((p.x - v.x) * (w.x - v.x) + (p.y - v.y) * (w.y - v.y)) / l2;
    t = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, t));
    return distanceSquared(p, {
        x: v.x + t * (w.x - v.x),
        y: v.y + t * (w.y - v.y)
distanceToLineSegment = (p, v, w)=> {
    return Math.sqrt(distanceToLineSegmentSquared(p, v));


distanceSquared = (v, w)-> (v.x - w.x) ** 2 + (v.y - w.y) ** 2
distance = (v, w)-> Math.sqrt(distanceSquared(v, w))

distanceToLineSegmentSquared = (p, v, w)->
    l2 = distanceSquared(v, w)
    return distanceSquared(p, v) if l2 is 0
    t = ((p.x - v.x) * (w.x - v.x) + (p.y - v.y) * (w.y - v.y)) / l2
    t = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, t))
    distanceSquared(p, {
        x: v.x + t * (w.x - v.x)
        y: v.y + t * (w.y - v.y)

distanceToLineSegment = (p, v, w)->
    Math.sqrt(distanceToLineSegmentSquared(p, v, w))


// Return minimum distance between line segment: head--->tail and point
double MinimumDistance(Eigen::Vector3d head, Eigen::Vector3d tail,Eigen::Vector3d point)
    double l2 = std::pow((head - tail).norm(),2);
    if(l2 ==0.0) return (head - point).norm();// head == tail case

    // Consider the line extending the segment, parameterized as head + t (tail - point).
    // We find projection of point onto the line.
    // It falls where t = [(point-head) . (tail-head)] / |tail-head|^2
    // We clamp t from [0,1] to handle points outside the segment head--->tail.

    double t = max(0,min(1,(point-head).dot(tail-head)/l2));
    Eigen::Vector3d projection = head + t*(tail-head);

    return (point - projection).norm();



   def dist2line2(x,y,line):
     vx = x1 - x
     vy = y1 - y
     ux = x2-x1
     uy = y2-y1
     length = ux * ux + uy * uy
     det = (-vx * ux) + (-vy * uy) #//if this is < 0 or > length then its outside the line segment
     if det < 0:
       return (x1 - x)**2 + (y1 - y)**2
     if det > length:
       return (x2 - x)**2 + (y2 - y)**2
     det = ux * vy - uy * vx
     return det**2 / length
   def dist2line(x,y,line): return math.sqrt(dist2line2(x,y,line))
Vlad V


function ans=distP2S(px,py,vx,vy,wx,wy)
% [px py vx vy wx wy]
  t=( (px-vx)*(wx-vx)+(py-vy)*(wy-vy) )/idist(vx,wx,vy,wy)^2;
  [idist(px,vx,py,vy) idist(px,vx+t*(wx-vx),py,vy+t*(wy-vy)) idist(px,wx,py,wy) ];
  ans(1+(t>0)+(t>1)); % <0 0<=t<=1 t>1     

function d=idist(a,b,c,d)
Richard Z