
Linuxでのucho uptime.


# Syswatch       Shows a variety of different task based on my Linux System
# description:   This script will first check the percentage of the filesystem
#                being used. If the percentage is above ___, the root user will
#                be emailed. There will be 4 things echoed in this script. The
#                first thing being the amount of free/total memory being used,
#                second the amount of free/total swap space being used, the
#                third is the user count, and the last thing is the amount
#                of time that the system has been up for and the system load.

#Prints amount of Free/Total Memory and Swap

free -t -m | grep "Total" | awk '{ print "Free/Total Memory : "$4"/"$2"  MB";}'
free -t -m | grep "Swap" | awk '{ print "Free/Total Swap : "$4"/"$2" MB";}'

#Displays the user count for the system

printf "User count is at %d\n" $(who | wc -l)

count=$(who | wc -l)
if [ $count -eq 2 ]
  echo "The system has been up for _______  with a system load of average: __"

exit 0
Nicole Romain


> uptime
 23:40pm  up 13 days  8:09,  6 users,  load average: 1.28, 1.25, 1.23


uptime | sed 's/.*up/The system has been up for/' | sed 's/,.*load/ with a system load/'

または本当にechoを使用したい場合はuptime _出力を解析して、必要な値を取得してください($countの場合)、それらをECHOステートメントで使用します。


  • コードをもう一度呼び出さないようにコードを再配置できるようにすでにユーザー数を取得しています。
count=$(who | wc -l)
printf "User count is at %d\n" $count
  • 'より大きいまたは等しい'演算子は-geではありません-eq

[$ count -ge 2]の場合

Dan Cornilescu