







Android 3x3パスワードグリッドのルール:

  • 一点一点

  • ポイントを「ジャンプ」することはできません

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参照は guokr 、同様のサイト Stack Exchange Skeptics からブログの形であります。

Dante May Code

私はこの質問が古いことを知っていますが、Pythonで力ずくのアプローチで別の 質問 (この質問を見つける前に)で答えたので、後世のためにここに追加します:

pegs = {
    1: {3:2, 7:4, 9:5},
    2: {8:5},
    3: {1:2, 7:5, 9:6},
    4: {6:5},
    5: {},
    6: {4:5},
    7: {1:4, 3:5, 9:8},
    8: {2:5},
    9: {1:5, 3:6, 7:8}

def next_steps(path):
    return (n for n in range(1,10) if (not path or n not in path and 
                                       (n not in pegs[path[-1]] 
                                        or pegs[path[-1]][n] in path)))

def patterns(path, steps, verbose=False):
    if steps == 0:
        if verbose: print(path)
        return 1
    return sum(patterns(path+[n], steps-1) for n in next_steps(path))


>>> [(steps, patterns([], steps)) for steps in range(1,10)]
[(1, 9),
 (2, 56),
 (3, 320),
 (4, 1624),
 (5, 7152),
 (6, 26016),
 (7, 72912),
 (8, 140704),
 (9, 140704)]
>>> sum(patterns([], steps) for steps in range(4,10))

これは、反射を使用して4 *コーナー+ 4 *ミッドエッジ+1 *ミドルしか計算できないため、これを解決する最も効率的な方法ではありません。例:

>>> patterns([], 6) == 4*patterns([1], 5) + 4*patterns([2], 5) + patterns([5], 5)

再帰検索でブルートフォース攻撃を行ったところ、より大きな答えである487272が見つかりました。アルゴリズムは単純です。すべてを試してみてください。ここに引用しました。コードにエラーは見つかりませんでした(ただし、c ++のスキルはあまりありません)。文法上の誤りでごめんなさい、私は英語ではありません。

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;

int combo;  //counter

void research(int Ipoints /*number of points already took*/, bool Icheck[9]/*points matrix*/,int Ilast/*last took point*/,
                   int Icomboval/*combination representation, only for printing purpose*/, int deep/*number of iteration, only for printing purpose*/)

    //  int numcall = 0;  //DEBUG

     for( int i=0; i<9; i++) //Controlling every free point in search of a valid way to contimue
          if( Icheck[i] == false )
              //Just for security, coping every variable in a new variable. I don't know how c++ works but I will make it works
              int points = Ipoints;
              int last = Ilast;
              int comboval = Icomboval;
              bool check[9];
                   for( int j=0; j<9; j++)
                        check[j] = Icheck[j];  

              int e1,e2;
              int middle = -1;
              e1=i; e2=last;  //Ccontrolling duble jumps
              if( e1 == 0 && e2 == 2 ) middle = 1;
              if( e1 == 3 && e2 == 5 ) middle = 4;
              if( e1 == 6 && e2 == 8 ) middle = 7;
              if( e1 == 0 && e2 == 6 ) middle = 3;
              if( e1 == 1 && e2 == 7 ) middle = 4;
              if( e1 == 2 && e2 == 8 ) middle = 5;
              if( e1 == 0 && e2 == 8 ) middle = 4;
              if( e1 == 6 && e2 == 2 ) middle = 4;

              e2=i; e1=last;  // in both way
              if( e1 == 0 && e2 == 2 ) middle = 1;
              if( e1 == 3 && e2 == 5 ) middle = 4;
              if( e1 == 6 && e2 == 8 ) middle = 7;
              if( e1 == 0 && e2 == 6 ) middle = 3;
              if( e1 == 1 && e2 == 7 ) middle = 4;
              if( e1 == 2 && e2 == 8 ) middle = 5;
              if( e1 == 0 && e2 == 8 ) middle = 4;
              if( e1 == 6 && e2 == 2 ) middle = 4;

              if((middle != -1) && !(check[middle])) {      
                        check[middle] = true;
                        points++;                      //adding middle points
                        comboval *= 10;
                        comboval += middle;

              check[i] = true;
              points++;           // get the point

              comboval += i+1;

              if(points > 3)
                  combo++; // every iteration over tree points is a valid combo

                // If you want to see they all, beware because printing they all is truly slow:
                    // cout << "Combination n. " << combo << " found: " << comboval  << " , points " << points << " with " << deep << " iterations\n";

              if(points > 9)   //Just for sure, emergency shutdown,
              { exit(1); }

              research(points,check,i,comboval,deep+1); /*Recursive, here is the true program!*/

              // numcall++; //DEBUG

       //   cout << "Ended " << deep << " , with " << numcall << " subs called\n";   // Only for debug purposes,remove with all the //DEBUG thing


int main ()
    combo = 0; //no initial knows combo
    bool checkerboard[9];
    for( int i=0; i<9; i++) checkerboard[i]=false; //blank initial pattern

    research(0/*no point taken*/,checkerboard,-1/*just a useless value*/,0/*blank combo*/,1/*it's the firs iteration*/); //let's search!

    cout << "\n"  ;            
    cout << "And the answer is ... " << combo << "\n"; //out

    char ans='\0';
    {                   //just waiting
    cin >> ans;

    return 0;