


[thumbTab id="test1" nav="top" shadow="off"]
    [imgTab id="1" src="source1" width="1280" height="720" ]
    [vidTab id="2" src="source2" width="1280" height="720" ]
    [htmlTab id="4" preview_src="source3"] Other HTML stuff in here [/html]


        <img .../>    /* 1st nested shortcode */
        <img.../>     /* 2st nested shortcode */
        <img.../>     /* 3st nested shortcode */
        <img.../>         /* 1st nested shortcode */
        <video.../>       /* 2st nested shortcode */
        <section.../>     /* 3st nested shortcode */

そのため、データをnavタグに出力するには、ネストされたショートコードが必要です。 そして div要素にこれに関する問題は、メインとネストされたショートコード関数にアクセス可能な変数を必要とすることです(私は思う)。


add_shortcode('thumbTab', 'thumbTab_func');

function thumbTab_func( $atts, $content = null ) {  
    $a = shortcode_atts( array(
        'id' => 'theID',
        'nav' => 'top',
        'shadow' => 'off'
    ), $atts );

    class thumbTab_class
        //Array to hold tabbed content
        $tabCon = array();

        //Array to hold navigation tabs
        $navCon = array();

        //run nested shortcodes
        do_shortcode( $content, $ignore_html = false); 

        //combine $navCon array elements into the navigation tab html
        function navCreate(){
            $navReturn = '<div><nav><ul>';
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->navCon) ; ++$i) {
                $navReturn .= $this->navCon["$i"];
            $navReturn .= '</ul></nav></div>';
            return $navReturn;
        //combine $tabCon array elements into tabbed content html
        function tabCreate(){
            $tabReturn = '';
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->tabCon) ; ++$i) {
                $tabReturn .= $this->tabCon["$i"];
            $tabReturn .= '</ul></nav></div>';
            return $tabReturn;

        // Assigning processed html code to variable
        $thumbReturn = '<div id="'.$a["id"].'" class="thumbTAB">';
        $thumbReturn .= navCreate();
        $thumbReturn .= tabCreate();
        $thumbReturn .= '</div>';


    $thumbTab_class = new thumbTab_class();

    // output processed html
    return $thumbTab_class->thumbReturn; 


//One nested shortcode function for testing
add_shortcode('imgTab', 'imgTab_func');

function imgTab_func( $atts ) { 
    $a = shortcode_atts( array(
        'id' => 'no_order',
        'src' => 'no_source',
        'width' => '100%',
        'height' => 'auto'
    ), $atts );

    //create baseline structure
    $img = '<img src="'.$a["src"].'" width="'.$a["width"].'" height="'.$a["height"].'">';

    //assign tabbed html string to tabCon array using the id number to place in order
    $this->tabCon["a['id']"] = '<section class="tabPage tabPage_'.$a["id"].'>'.$img.'</section>';

    //same for nav html string
    $this->navCon["a['id']"] = '<li class="sDS tabHeader_'.$a["id"].'">'.$img.'</li>';
Kayboy Bebop



  1. $contentを使用して、ネストされたpreg_match_all(ネストされたショートコード)を単一のショートコードに分割する
  2. Forループを使用して、各ショートコードにdo_shortcodeを適用します。
  3. ネストされた各ショートコード関数は、別のpreg_match関数によって2つのストリングに分割されるストリングを返します。1番目はメインコンテンツデータ、2番目はnavデータです。
  4. すべてのメインコンテンツデータを1つの配列に割り当て、navデータを別の配列に割り当てます
  5. それから、2つの配列を処理して文字列を返すだけです。


add_shortcode('tabs', 'tabs_func');
//Main shortcode function
function tabs_func( $atts, $content = null ) {  
    $a = shortcode_atts( array(
        'id' => '',
    ), $atts );

    //array to store nav data
    $navCon = array();

    //array to store main content data
    $tabCon = array();

    Preg_match_all splits $content into predefined individual shortcodes [imgTab], [vidTab] and [htmlTab][/htmlTab]

    A basic explanation of the expression I used. If you want a more detailed breakdown, plug the expression below into "https://regexr.com/"

        (?<!\[)    <= checks if there's a square bracket behind the proceeding match, to avoid matching escaped shortcode
        \[    <= matches the opening bracket
        (?:(?:imgTab|vidTab).*(?<!\])\](?!\])|htmlTab[\S\s]*?\[\/htmlTab\](?!\]))    <= can't break this into parts easily, but in essence this part tries to match a string which next part goes 'imgTab', 'vidTab', or 'htmlTab' (although the 'htmlTab' is put in it's own non-capture group as it has to deal with possible linebreaks). It then matches the remaining characters until it gets to a closing square bracket (or in the case of htmlTab, '[/htmlTab]. It then checks that there aren't two closing brackets next to each other before finishing the match. 
    preg_match_all( '@(?<!\[)\[(?:(?:imgTab|vidTab).*(?<!\])\](?!\])|htmlTab[\S\s]*?\[\/htmlTab\](?!\]))@', $content, $matches );   

    $matchLI = 1;
    //loops through each of the shortcode matches
    foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {

        //runs current shortcode and assigns to variable
        $match_processed = do_shortcode($match);

        This expression is much more simple than the last one :D

            ([\S\s]+)    <= this capture group basically takes all the characters that aren't matched by the next part of the expression. This capture group contains the main content
            (<[\S\s]+>)    <= this capture group matches a 'less-than' character, a string of any characters and finally a 'greater-than' character. Since this expression is greedy it won't false match any 'greater-than' symbols in the first capture group, as it will look for the last 'greater-than' in the string
        preg_match( '@([\S\s]+)(<[\S\s]{4,}>)@', $match_processed, $navMatch );

        //assigns nav data of current shortcode to the $navCon array, using the $matchLI value to index it
        $navCon[$matchLI] .= "<li class='nav_NUM_" . $matchLI . "'>" . $navMatch[2] . "</li>";

        //assigns main content data of current shortcode to the $tabCon array, using the $matchLI value to index it
        $tabCon[$matchLI] = "<section class='content_NUM_" . $matchLI . "'>" . $navMatch[1] . "</section>";

        //increments the value for the next loop


    //constructing html in $tabReturn variable
    $tabReturn = "<div id='" . $a['id'] . "'>";
    $tabReturn .= "<nav><ul>";
    //loops through and assigns content of $navCon array to $tabReturn
    foreach ($navCon as $navElement) {
        $tabReturn .= $navElement;
    $tabReturn .= "</ul></nav>";
    //loops through and assigns content of $tabCon array to $tabReturn
    foreach ($tabCon as $tabElement) {
        $tabReturn .= $tabElement;
    $tabReturn .= "</div>";

    //finished html string is returned. Mission complete!
    return $tabReturn;


add_shortcode('imgTab', 'imgTab_func');
function imgTab_func( $atts ) { 
    $a = shortcode_atts( array(
        'src' => '',
        'width' => '100%',
        'height' => 'auto'
    ), $atts );

    //First img element is the main content, and the second is the nav preview 
    return "<img src='" . $a['src'] . "' width='" . $a['width'] . "' height='" . $a['height'] . "'>
    <img src='". $a['src'] . "' width='" . $a['width'] . "' height='" . $a['height'] . "'>";


add_shortcode('vidTab', 'vidTab_func');
function vidTab_func( $atts ) { 
    $a = shortcode_atts( array(
        'poster' => '',
        'src' => '',
        'width' => '100%',
        'height' => 'auto'
    ), $atts );

    //vid element is the main content, and the img is the nav preview 
    return "<video width='" . $a['width'] . "' height='" . $a['height'] . "' poster='" . $a['poster'] . "' controls>
        <source src='" . $a['src'] . "' type='video/mp4'>
    <img src='". $a['poster'] . "' width='" . $a['width'] . "' height='" . $a['height'] . "'>";


add_shortcode('htmlTab', 'htmlTab_func');
function htmlTab_func( $atts, $content = null ) {   
    $a = shortcode_atts( array(
        'poster' => '',
        'width' => '100%',
        'height' => 'auto'
    ), $atts );

    //$content is the main content, and the img is the nav preview.
    return $content . "<img src='". $a['poster'] . "' width='" . $a['width'] . "' height='" . $a['height'] . "'>";


[tabs id="test1"]

//any number and combination of these elements

[imgTab src="imgTab.jpg" width="100" height="100"]

[vidTab poster="vidTab.jpg" src="vidTab.mp4" width="128" height="72"]

[htmlTab poster="htmlTab.jpg" width="100" height="100"] 
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam scelerisque maximus neque gravida gravida.</p>



<div id='test1'>
        <li class='nav_NUM_1'> 
            <img src='imgTab.jpg' width='100' height='100'>
        <li class='nav_NUM_2'> 
            <img src='vidTab.jpg' width='128' height='72'>
        <li class='nav_NUM_3'> 
            <img src='htmlTab.jpg' width='100' height='100'>
    <section class='content_NUM_1'>
        <img src='imgTab.jpg' width='100' height='100'>
    <section class='content_NUM_2'>
        <video width='128' height='72' poster='vidTab.jpg' controls>
            <source src='vidTab.mp4' type='video/mp4'>
    <section class='content_NUM_3'>
        <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam scelerisque maximus neque gravida gravida.</p>


Kayboy Bebop