


素晴らしい記事を見つけました こちら ですが、さまざまな機能をすべて比較した簡単な表は見つかりません。




(表は このページ 「早期バインディングと遅延バインディング」のセクションまでをまとめたものです。参考までに、このページには辞書の使用に関する詳細情報もあります)




配列と比較して、コレクションは、アイテムの追加と挿入、およびキーによるアイテムへのアクセスと削除に関して優れたパフォーマンスを提供します。ただし、インデックスによってアイテムにアクセスする場合、パフォーマンスは低下します。これを効率的に行う方法については、 here を参照してください。これらのリストオブジェクトの内部動作についても説明しています。

このcpearsonページ には、辞書、コレクション、配列を操作するための非常に便利なコードがあります(それらを並べ替え、相互に変換します!)





Feature                 | COLLECTION | DICTIONARY | Remark
Usually faster          |            |     X      | 
Supported by VB Script  |            |     X      | Collections do not exist in VBS.
                        |            |            | Dicts: Add ref to Miscrosoft 
Native to VBA           |     X      |            | Scripting Library. Usage:
                        |            |            | Dim MyDict As Scripting.Dictionary
                        |            |            | Set MyDict = New Scripting.Dictionary
Can change Keys and     |            |            | Dict properties are writable.
Items                   |            |     X      | For collections, remove the item
                        |            |            | and add a new item.
                        |            |            | A collection enumerates its items:
                        |            |            |  For Each x In MyCollection
                        |            |            |      Debug.Print x
Enumerated              |     X      |     X      |  Next x
                        |            |            | A dict enumerates its keys:
                        |            |            |  For Each x In MyDictionary
                        |            |            |      Debug.Print MyDictionary.Item(x)
                        |            |            |  Next x
                        |            |            | A 1-d array of keys 
Directly output to      |            |            | and items can be returned by 
array                   |            |     X      | dict methods .Keys and .Items.
                        |            |            | (The array is zero-based even 
                        |            |            |  with Option Base 1.)
Retrieve and access     |     X      |     X      |
items                   |            |            |  
Add items               |     X      |     X      |
Implicitly add items    |            |     X      | Dicts can implicitly add items 
                        |            |            | using .Item property.
Remove items            |     X      |     X      |
Remove all items in     |            |            | With collections, each item must
one step                |            |     X      | be removed in turn, or the 
                        |            |            | collection destroyed and recreated.
Count items             |     X      |     X      |
Return item using key   |     X      |     X      |
as lookup value         |            |            |
Return item using       |            |            |
ordinal position        |     X      |   (Slow)   |
as lookup value         |            |            |
Return ordinal          |            |            |
position using item     |     X      |     ??     |
as lookup value         |            |            |
Retrieve and access     |            |     X      | Collection keys only used to
keys                    |            |            | look up data, not retrievable.
Keys optional           |     X      |            | Big + of collections, assuming keys
                        |            |            | are not needed. (Access via index.)
Case sensitivity        |            |     X      |
optional                |            |            |  
                        |            |            | Collection keys must be strings.
Keys can be any type    |            |     X      | Dict keys can have any type
                        |            |            | (except arrays), incl. mixed types.
Keys must be unique     |     X      |     X      |
                        |            |            | * For collections, add code:
                        |            |            |  Public Function _
                        |            |            |     Contains(col As Collection, _
Supports .Exists method |  Remark*   |     X      |     key As Variant) As Boolean
                        |            |            |     On Error Resume Next
                        |            |            |     col(key)
                        |            |            |     Contains = (Err.Number = 0)
Preserve key order when |            |     X      | This is because collection keys 
sorting by item value   |            |            | are write-only, not read. Poor design!
Option Explicit

Sub CollectionsVSdictionaries() ' Requires ref to "Microsoft Scripting Runtime" Library
    Dim c As Collection         ' TypeName 1-based indexed
    Dim d As Dictionary         ' 0-based arrays
    Set c = New Collection      ' or: "Dim c As New Collection"
    Set d = New Dictionary      ' or: "Dim d As New Dictionary"

    c.Add Key:="A", Item:="AA": c.Add Key:="B", Item:="BB": c.Add Key:="C", Item:="CC"
    d.Add Key:="A", Item:="AA": d.Add Key:="B", Item:="BB": d.Add Key:="C", Item:="CC"

    Debug.Print TypeName(c)    ' -> "Collection"
    Debug.Print TypeName(d)    ' -> "Dictionary"

    Debug.Print c(3)            ' -> "CC"
    Debug.Print c("C")          ' -> "CC"
    'Debug.Print c("CC")       ' --- Invalid ---

    Debug.Print d("C")          ' -> "CC"
    Debug.Print d("CC")        ' Adds Key:="CC", Item:=""
    Debug.Print d.Items(2)      ' -> "CC"
    Debug.Print d.Keys(2)       ' -> "C"
    Debug.Print d.Keys()(0)     ' -> "A"    - Not well known ***************************
    Debug.Print d.Items()(0)    ' -> "AA"   - Not well known ***************************

    'Collection methods:
    '    .Add                   ' c.Add Item, [Key], [Before], [After] (Key is optional)
    '    .Count
    '    .Item(Index)           ' Default property;   "c.Item(Index)" same as "c(Index)"
    '    .Remove(Index)
    'Dictionary methods:
    '    .Add                   ' d.Add Key, Item (Key is required, and must be unique)
    '    .CompareMode           ' 1. BinaryCompare     - case-sensitive   ("A" < "a")
    '    .CompareMode           ' 2. DatabaseCompare   - MS Access only
    '    .CompareMode           ' 3. TextCompare       - case-insensitive ("A" = "a")
    '    .Count
    '    .Exists(Key)           ' Boolean **********************************************
    '    .Item(Key)
    '    .Items                 ' Returns full array: .Items(0)(0)
    '    .Key(Key)
    '    .Keys                  ' Returns full array: .Keys(0)(0)
    '    .Remove(Key)
    '    .RemoveAll             ' ******************************************************
End Sub
paul bica
Option Explicit

Sub UpdateSummary()

    Dim varData
    Dim objDicCountry As Object
    Dim objDicCity As Object
    Dim objDicData As Object
    Dim lngR As Long
    Dim varResult
    Dim lngC As Long
    Dim strKey As String
    Dim varUnique

    varData = Sheet12.Range("A1").CurrentRegion
    Set objDicCity = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Set objDicCountry = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Set objDicData = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

    For lngR = LBound(varData) + 1 To UBound(varData)

        strKey = varData(lngR, 1) '--Country
        objDicCountry.Item(strKey) = ""

        strKey = varData(lngR, 2) '--City
        objDicCity.Item(strKey) = ""

        strKey = varData(lngR, 1) & "|" & varData(lngR, 2) '--Country and City
        objDicData.Item(strKey) = objDicData.Item(strKey) + varData(lngR, 3)

    Next lngR

    ReDim varResult(1 To objDicCountry.Count + 1, 1 To objDicCity.Count + 1)

    varUnique = objDicCountry.keys '--get Unique Country

    For lngR = LBound(varUnique) To UBound(varUnique)
        varResult(lngR + 2, 1) = varUnique(lngR)
    Next lngR

    varUnique = objDicCity.keys '--get Unique City

    For lngC = LBound(varUnique) To UBound(varUnique)
        varResult(1, lngC + 2) = varUnique(lngC)
    Next lngC

    For lngR = LBound(varResult) + 1 To UBound(varResult)
        For lngC = LBound(varResult) + 1 To UBound(varResult, 2)
            strKey = varResult(lngR, 1) & "|" & varResult(1, lngC) '--Country & "|" & City
            varResult(lngR, lngC) = objDicData.Item(strKey)
        Next lngC
    Next lngR

    Sheet12.Range("F6").Resize(UBound(varResult), UBound(varResult, 2)).Value = varResult
    MsgBox "Done", vbInformation

End Sub



Creating Multiple Dictionaries:   731ms
Writing To Dictionary:            494ms
Reading From Dictionary:           65ms

Creating Multiple Collections:     29ms
Writing To Collection:            459ms
Reading From Collection:           26ms

Microsoft Scripting Runtineへの参照を追加すると、複数の辞書の作成速度が向上します(ここでは495ミリ秒)。


Option Explicit

Private p_lngTestCount As Long

Sub SetUp()
  p_lngTestCount = 100000
End Sub

Sub TestAll()

End Sub

Sub CreatingMultipleDictionaries()

  Const sSOURCE As String = "CreatingMultipleDictionaries"

  Dim oPerfMon As CDevPerformanceMonitor
  Set oPerfMon = New CDevPerformanceMonitor
  Dim i As Long
  Dim dcTest As Dictionary

  Dim dblTimeElapsed As Double

  For i = 0 To p_lngTestCount
    'Set dcTest = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Set dcTest = New Dictionary
  Next i

  dblTimeElapsed = oPerfMon.TimeElapsed

  Debug.Print sSOURCE & ": " & p_lngTestCount & " iterations. " & vbCrLf & _
              "Time elapsed: " & Round(dblTimeElapsed, 0) & "ms" & vbCrLf
End Sub

Sub CreatingMultipleCollections()

  Const sSOURCE As String = "CreatingMultipleCollections"

  Dim oPerfMon As CDevPerformanceMonitor
  Set oPerfMon = New CDevPerformanceMonitor
  Dim i As Long
  Dim colTest As Collection

  Dim dblTimeElapsed As Double

  For i = 0 To p_lngTestCount
    Set colTest = New Collection
  Next i

  dblTimeElapsed = oPerfMon.TimeElapsed

  Debug.Print sSOURCE & ": " & p_lngTestCount & " iterations. " & vbCrLf & _
              "Time elapsed: " & Round(dblTimeElapsed, 0) & "ms" & vbCrLf
End Sub

Sub WritingToDictionary()

  Const sSOURCE As String = "WritingToDictionary"

  Dim oPerfMon As CDevPerformanceMonitor
  Set oPerfMon = New CDevPerformanceMonitor
  Dim i As Long
  Dim dcTest

  Set dcTest = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  'Set dcTest = New Dictionary

  Dim dblTimeElapsed As Double

  For i = 0 To p_lngTestCount
   ' Performance about the same for both ways:
    dcTest.Item(CStr(i)) = "test"
    'dcTest.Add CStr(i), "test"
  Next i

  dblTimeElapsed = oPerfMon.TimeElapsed

  Debug.Print sSOURCE & ": " & p_lngTestCount & " iterations. " & vbCrLf & _
              "Time elapsed: " & Round(dblTimeElapsed, 0) & "ms" & vbCrLf
End Sub

Sub WritingToCollection()

  Const sSOURCE As String = "WritingToCollection"

  Dim oPerfMon As CDevPerformanceMonitor
  Set oPerfMon = New CDevPerformanceMonitor
  Dim i As Long
  Dim colTest As Collection

  Dim dblTimeElapsed As Double
  Set colTest = New Collection


  For i = 0 To p_lngTestCount
    colTest.Add "test", CStr(i)
  Next i

  dblTimeElapsed = oPerfMon.TimeElapsed

  Debug.Print sSOURCE & ": " & p_lngTestCount & " iterations. " & vbCrLf & _
              "Time elapsed: " & Round(dblTimeElapsed, 0) & "ms" & vbCrLf
End Sub

Sub ReadingFromDictionary()

  Const sSOURCE As String = "ReadingFromDictionary"

  Dim oPerfMon As CDevPerformanceMonitor
  Set oPerfMon = New CDevPerformanceMonitor
  Dim i As Long
  Dim dcTest

  Set dcTest = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  'Set dcTest = New Dictionary
  dcTest.Add "key", "test"

  Dim stTest As String
  Dim dblTimeElapsed As Double


  For i = 0 To p_lngTestCount
    stTest = dcTest.Item("key")
  Next i

  dblTimeElapsed = oPerfMon.TimeElapsed

  Debug.Print sSOURCE & ": " & p_lngTestCount & " iterations. " & vbCrLf & _
              "Time elapsed: " & Round(dblTimeElapsed, 0) & "ms" & vbCrLf
End Sub

Sub ReadingFromCollection()

  Const sSOURCE As String = "ReadingFromCollection"

  Dim oPerfMon As CDevPerformanceMonitor
  Set oPerfMon = New CDevPerformanceMonitor
  Dim i As Long
  Dim colTest As Collection

  Dim stTest As String
  Dim dblTimeElapsed As Double
  Set colTest = New Collection
  colTest.Add "test", "key"


  For i = 0 To p_lngTestCount
    stTest = colTest.Item("key")
  Next i

  dblTimeElapsed = oPerfMon.TimeElapsed

  Debug.Print sSOURCE & ": " & p_lngTestCount & " iterations. " & vbCrLf & _
              "Time elapsed: " & Round(dblTimeElapsed, 0) & "ms" & vbCrLf
End Sub


Option Explicit

' Performance monitoring used in logging
' See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/198409/how-do-you-test-running-time-of-vba-code

  lowpart As Long
  highpart As Long
End Type

#If VBA7 Then
  Private Declare PtrSafe Function QueryPerformanceCounter Lib "kernel32" (lpPerformanceCount As LARGE_INTEGER) As Long
  Private Declare Function QueryPerformanceCounter Lib "kernel32" (lpPerformanceCount As LARGE_INTEGER) As Long
#End If

#If VBA7 Then
  Private Declare PtrSafe Function QueryPerformanceFrequency Lib "kernel32" (lpFrequency As LARGE_INTEGER) As Long
  Private Declare Function QueryPerformanceFrequency Lib "kernel32" (lpFrequency As LARGE_INTEGER) As Long
#End If

Private m_CounterStart As LARGE_INTEGER
Private m_CounterEnd As LARGE_INTEGER
Private m_crFrequency As Double

Private Const TWO_32 = 4294967296#               ' = 256# * 256# * 256# * 256#

Private Function LI2Double(LI As LARGE_INTEGER) As Double
  Dim Low As Double
  Low = LI.lowpart
  If Low < 0 Then
    Low = Low + TWO_32
  End If
  LI2Double = LI.highpart * TWO_32 + Low
End Function

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
  Dim PerfFrequency As LARGE_INTEGER
  QueryPerformanceFrequency PerfFrequency
  m_crFrequency = LI2Double(PerfFrequency)
End Sub

Public Sub StartCounter()
  QueryPerformanceCounter m_CounterStart
End Sub

Public Function PerformanceCount() As Double
  Dim liPerformanceCount As LARGE_INTEGER
  QueryPerformanceCounter liPerformanceCount
  PerformanceCount = LI2Double(liPerformanceCount)
End Function

Public Function MicroTime() As Double
  MicroTime = Me.PerformanceCount * 1000000# / m_crFrequency
End Function

Public Property Get TimeElapsed() As Double
  Dim crStart As Double
  Dim crStop As Double
  QueryPerformanceCounter m_CounterEnd
  crStart = LI2Double(m_CounterStart)
  crStop = LI2Double(m_CounterEnd)
  TimeElapsed = 1000# * (crStop - crStart) / m_crFrequency
End Property