


template <int> struct Map;
template <> struct Map<0> {static const int value = 4;};
template <> struct Map<1> {static const int value = 8;};
template <> struct Map<2> {static const int value = 15;};

template <int> struct MapInverse;
template <> struct MapInverse<4> {static const int value = 0;};
template <> struct MapInverse<8> {static const int value = 1;};
template <> struct MapInverse<15> {static const int value = 2;};



C++ 11を使用した線形検索の別のTMPアプローチ:

#include <type_traits>

// === Types:
// Usage:
//    Function<Map<x1,y1>,Map<x2,y2>,...>
template<int D, int R> struct Map { enum { domain=D, range=R }; };
template<typename ...A> struct Function {};

// === Metafunctions:
// Usage:
//    ApplyFunction<x,F>::value
template<int I, typename M> struct ApplyFunction;
// Usage:
//    ApplyFunctionInverse<x,F>::value
template<int I, typename M> struct ApplyFunctionInverse;

// ==== Example:
// Define function M to the mapping in your original post.
typedef Function<Map<0,4>,Map<1,8>,Map<2,15>> M;

// ==== Implementation details
template<typename T> struct Identity { typedef T type; };
template<int I, typename A, typename ...B> struct ApplyFunction<I, Function<A,B...> > {
   typedef typename
      std::conditional <I==A::domain
                       , Identity<A>
                       , ApplyFunction<I,Function<B...>> >::type meta;
   typedef typename meta::type type;
   enum { value = type::range };
template<int I, typename A> struct ApplyFunction<I, Function<A>> {
   typedef typename
       std::conditional <I==A::domain
                        , Identity<A>
                        , void>::type meta;
   typedef typename meta::type type;
   enum { value = type::range };
// Linear search by range
template<int I, typename A> struct ApplyFunctionInverse<I, Function<A>> {
   typedef typename
       std::conditional <I==A::range
                        , Identity<A>
                        , void>::type meta;
   typedef typename meta::type type;
   enum { value = type::domain };
template<int I, typename A, typename ...B> struct ApplyFunctionInverse<I, Function<A,B...> > {
   typedef typename
       std::conditional <I==A::range
                        , Identity<A>
                        , ApplyFunctionInverse<I,Function<B...>> >::type meta;
   typedef typename meta::type type;
   enum { value = type::domain };

// ==============================
// Demonstration
#include <iostream>
int main()
   // Applying function M
   std::cout << ApplyFunction<0,M>::value << std::endl;
   std::cout << ApplyFunction<1,M>::value << std::endl;
   std::cout << ApplyFunction<2,M>::value << std::endl;

   // Applying function inverse M
   std::cout << ApplyFunctionInverse<4,M>::value << std::endl;
   std::cout << ApplyFunctionInverse<8,M>::value << std::endl;
   std::cout << ApplyFunctionInverse<15,M>::value << std::endl;

私はこのアプリケーションにzchのC++ 11ソリューションを好みますが、おそらく誰かがこのアプローチに価値を見いだすでしょう。

H Walters

このC++ 11ソリューションでは、すべてのマップアイテムがconstexpr配列に保持され、キーまたは値のいずれかで検索するconstexpr再帰関数があります。

#include <utility>

using Item = std::pair<int, int>;
constexpr Item map_items[] = {
    { 6, 7 },
    { 10, 12 },
    { 300, 5000 },
constexpr auto map_size = sizeof map_items/sizeof map_items[0];

static constexpr int findValue(int key, int range = map_size) {
            (range == 0) ? throw "Key not present":
            (map_items[range - 1].first == key) ? map_items[range - 1].second:
            findValue(key, range - 1);

static constexpr int findKey(int value, int range = map_size) {
            (range == 0) ? throw "Value not present":
            (map_items[range - 1].second == value) ? map_items[range - 1].first:
            findKey(value, range - 1);

static_assert(findKey(findValue(10)) == 10, "should be inverse");


template <int> struct Map;
template <int> struct MapInverse;

#define MAP_ENTRY(i, j) \
    template <> struct Map<i> {static const int value = j;}; \
    template <> struct MapInverse<j> {static const int value = i;};

MAP_ENTRY (0, 4)
MAP_ENTRY (1, 8)
MAP_ENTRY (2, 15)


Alexandre C.

マクロを使用しないソリューションですが、キーが間隔[0, MAP_SIZE)からのものであるという仮定を使用します。


template <int> struct Map;
template <> struct Map<0> {static const int value = 4;};
template <> struct Map<1> {static const int value = 8;};
template <> struct Map<2> {static const int value = 15;};
const int MAP_SIZE = 3;

template <int x, int range> struct FindInverse {
    static const int value = (Map<range - 1>::value == x)?
                                (range - 1):
                                (FindInverse<x, range - 1>::value);

template <int x> struct FindInverse<x, 0> {
    static const int value = -1;

template <int x> struct MapInverse: FindInverse<x, MAP_SIZE> {
    static_assert(MapInverse::value != -1, "x should be a value in Map");

static_assert(MapInverse<Map<1>::value>::value == 1, "should be inverse");


#include <iostream>

template <int> struct Map { static const int value = INT_MIN; };

template <> struct Map<0> { static const int value = 4; };
template <> struct Map<1> { static const int value = 8; };
template <> struct Map<2> { static const int value = 15; };

// This searches the Map at POS 0 +/- a DELTA of 0x100
    int x,
    int POS = 0,
    int DELTA = 0x100
struct MapInverse
    typedef  MapInverse<x, POS - (DELTA >> 1), (DELTA >> 1)> LEFT;
    typedef  MapInverse<x, POS + (DELTA >> 1), (DELTA >> 1)> RIGHT;

    static const int MATCH_POS =
              (Map<POS>::value == x)? POS:
                        (DELTA == 0)? INT_MIN:

int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
    // insert code here...
    << MapInverse<0>::MATCH_POS << std::endl
    << MapInverse<1>::MATCH_POS << std::endl
    << MapInverse<2>::MATCH_POS << std::endl
    << MapInverse<3>::MATCH_POS << std::endl
    << MapInverse<4>::MATCH_POS << std::endl
    << MapInverse<5>::MATCH_POS << std::endl
    << MapInverse<6>::MATCH_POS << std::endl
    << MapInverse<7>::MATCH_POS << std::endl
    << MapInverse<8>::MATCH_POS << std::endl
    << MapInverse<9>::MATCH_POS << std::endl
    << MapInverse<10>::MATCH_POS << std::endl
    << MapInverse<11>::MATCH_POS << std::endl
    << MapInverse<12>::MATCH_POS << std::endl
    << MapInverse<13>::MATCH_POS << std::endl
    << MapInverse<14>::MATCH_POS << std::endl
    << MapInverse<15>::MATCH_POS << std::endl
    << MapInverse<16>::MATCH_POS << std::endl
    << MapInverse<17>::MATCH_POS << std::endl;

    return 0;

これが一般的なconstexprマップのC++ 17実装です

#include <type_traits>
#include <Tuple>

//tag for typenames
template <class T>
struct tag_type
    using type = T;

//tag for autos
template <auto val>
struct tag_auto
    constexpr static decltype(val) value = val;

//generic pair
template <typename key_tag, typename val_tag>
struct cexpr_pair
    using key = key_tag;
    using value = val_tag;

template <class ... cexpr_pairs>
class cexpr_generic_map
    template <typename cexpr_tag_key, size_t iter = 0>
    constexpr static auto Find()
        //failed to find by key
        if constexpr (iter == sizeof...(cexpr_pairs))
            return cexpr_pair<cexpr_tag_key, void>();
            typedef std::Tuple_element_t<iter, std::Tuple<cexpr_pairs...>> cur_pair;
            if constexpr (std::is_same_v<cexpr_tag_key, cur_pair::key>)
                return cur_pair();
                return Find<cexpr_tag_key, iter + 1>();


    template <typename tag_key>
    using found_pair = decltype(Find<tag_key>());



typedef cexpr_generic_map<
//initial values
cexpr_pair<tag_auto<0>, tag_auto<4>>,
cexpr_pair<tag_auto<1>, tag_auto<8>>,
cexpr_pair<tag_auto<2>, tag_auto<15>>,

//inversed values
cexpr_pair<tag_auto<4>, tag_auto<0>>,
cexpr_pair<tag_auto<8>, tag_auto<1>>,
cexpr_pair<tag_auto<15>, tag_auto<2>>
> map_inverse;

//find initial
static_assert(map_inverse::found_pair<tag_auto<0>>::value::value == 4);
static_assert(map_inverse::found_pair<tag_auto<1>>::value::value == 8);
static_assert(map_inverse::found_pair<tag_auto<2>>::value::value == 15);

//find inversed
static_assert(map_inverse::found_pair<tag_auto<4>>::value::value == 0);
static_assert(map_inverse::found_pair<tag_auto<8>>::value::value == 1);
static_assert(map_inverse::found_pair<tag_auto<15>>::value::value == 2);


Sergey Kolesnik